Hi, team! I’m back with episode 2 of everyone’s least favorite cooking show, Cooking TragicLee.

In honor of Valentine’s Day, February’s edition of Cooking TragicLee is based off of literature’s greatest love story, Romeo and Juliet Twilight! Armed with a recipe (and t-shirt!) provided by Alix, World’s Greatest Pen Pal and resident pâtissière, I set out to recreate the mushroom ravioli Bella orders on her first date with Edward. Unlike their super unhealthy relationship, things for me did not go so well.

Plate of ravioli covered with edible glitter

Ravi- oh, Lee…

On the bright side, my ravioli sure was sparkly! That’s because Alix also thoughtfully supplied me with Disco Dust – edible glitter that renders your food as sparkly as a vampire in the daylight! I highly recommend this product for pretty much every cooking adventure you embark on, given that you’re okay with your meal having a decidedly sandy texture.

Anyway, go pour yourself a cocktail (you’re going to need it to get through this video) and enjoy this month’s episode!

About the Contributor:

Lee Mimms spends her days drinking craft beer, daydreaming of spending her life with Cameron Quick, and making sure the fire alarm in her kitchen is functioning.

This post was written by a guest writer or former contributor for Forever Young Adult.