About the Book
- Claudia Gray
Cover Story: Montell Jordan
BFF Charm: Yay to Platinum
Talky Talk: Call to Action
Bonus Factor: Alternate Dimensions, No Secrets
Anti-Bonus Factor: TEABS
Relationship Status: MFEO
Danger, Will Robinson! A Million Worlds With You is the third book in the Firebird series. If you have not read the first two books—A Thousand Pieces Of You and Ten Thousand Skies Above You—turn away now. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. If you have read the first books, however, feel free to continue below. I will refrain from major spoilers in my review, but there might be hints at plot points and details about the story.
Cover Story: Montell Jordan

I expected nothing less from this cover, having loved the previous two covers in the series so much. Now, please excuse me while I reconfigure the books on my shelves in order to better show off all three.
The Deal:
Since using the Firebird for the first time to track Paul into a different dimension, Marguerite has discovered how much she didn’t know about the Firebird program, and the various versions of herself and her friends and family that exist across the multiverse. Although she, and her parents in her own dimension, are decent, forward-thinking individuals, there are versions of all of them who are more worried about their own problems—and are willing to do whatever it takes to solve said problems, even if that means the injury or destruction of all those that get in their way.
Now, it’s up to Marguerite to figure out how to stop these versions without losing herself or those she cares most about in the process.
BFF Charm: Yay to Platinum

Since we first met in A Thousand Pieces of You, Marguerite has been a most worthy BFF contender. Her common sense and creativity is an excellent balance to the more scientific, easily distracted minds she’s surrounded by. She has a seriously level head on her shoulders, and knows that while she might not be the same sort of brilliant as other members of her family, she’s equally intelligent in her own right. Her confidence, both in herself and what she believes in, is applaudable. She’s also totally willing to not only put her life on the line to protect the people she loves, but also for people she doesn’t know, because she knows it’s the right thing to do. Thankfully, all of these excellent qualities only make her a better friend, rather than an insufferable caricature.
Swoonworthy Scale: 5
Sadly, the Paul of A Million Worlds With You isn’t the Paul we all fell in love with in the first book in this series. There’s a valid reason for this, of course, but that doesn’t make it any easier to watch him doubt his feelings for Marguerite or their relationship.
Talky Talk: Call to Action
Although there was plenty of action in the first two books in this series, Claudia Gray turns it up to eleven in A Million Worlds With You. There’s a sense of urgency that flows throughout the book, and it’s hard to put it down once you start reading. Although I would have preferred a bit more swoon (considering how hot A Thousand Pieces of You was), I do understand that there were more pressing issues at hand. Gray doesn’t leave any loose ends at the end of the novel, however, and I’m totally on board with the route she took to get there.
Bonus Factor: Alternate Dimensions

The dimensions Marguerite visited in A Thousand Pieces Of You and Ten Thousand Skies Above You were neat, but the new ones she visits in A Million Worlds With You are slightly cooler. I am almost jealous of her travels, but then I think about why she’s doing what she’s doing and realize that I’m pretty content with simply reading about them.
Bonus Factor: No Secrets

Major pants to Gray for writing a plot in which the main character doesn’t rely solely on herself to fix everything, even when involving others could make solving the situation easier and/or result in a much better outcome for all. I do appreciate a good “teamwork works!” story.
Anti-Bonus Factor: TEABS

A Million Worlds With You is the last in the Firebird trilogy, and I’m heartbroken that I will no longer get to go on grand dimension-crossing adventures with Marguerite.
Relationship Status: MFEO
From our very first date, Book, I knew that we had something special. Our time together might have come to an close, but it’s not The End. Our love will go on, across all dimensions.
FTC Full Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from HarperTeen, but got neither a private dance party with Tom Hiddleston nor money in exchange for this review. A Million Worlds with You is available now.