We put our researcher hats on ::wiggles glasses:: and pulled up the stats. Which posts brought all our readers to the yard? What were y’all most engaged with last year? Before we kick off a whole new decade, let’s take a little trip down memory lane and revisit our most-visited posts of 2019. There were some dark horses in this race, and a few that weren’t remotely surprising (you guys are a bunch of Buffyheads).

Let’s take a look back at your favorite posts of the year:

10. John Ambrose McClaren Has Been (Re)Cast!

Jordan Fisher as John Ambrose McClaren

Last year, you all fangirled over Noah Centineo, which makes it no surprise that this year you joined us in FREAKING OUT over the news that John Ambrose McClaren had been recast for the P.S. I Still Love You movie.


It’s basic science that the worse the movie, the more hilarious the Stream It post will inevitably be. Kandis’s commentary on the batshit final installment of the Twilight saga had us rolling. “The amazing thing about this movie is that it requires zero alcohol to make you feel like you are definitely drunk and seeing things. The epic WTFery of the final battle scene is the equivalent of four cocktails.”

8. Procrastination Pro-Tips: Barnes & Noble Acquired, Writing is Terrible, YA Fantasy Names, & More!

Okay, admittedly, when we were doing our Very Serious Scientific Analytics Research, we were scratching our heads at the discovery that, not one, but TWO random Procrastination Pro-Tips posts made it into our top ten. But this random Friday morning post containted a link to the first eight chapters of Call Down The Hawkone of your fave books of 2019. And that totally adds up, because who wasn’t starved for some Ronan Lynch at that point?

7. RIVERDALE 3×11: The Red Dahlia

Riverdale delivered a noir detective episode and y’all were LIVING for it.

6. 2019 YA Film Adaptations

A round up of the year’s coming YA books-turned-movies from last January, and we STILL don’t have that Knife of Never Letting Go adaptation. *sigh*

5. Stream It: LITTLE ITALY

Little Italy Cover

As previously mentioned, bad movies make the best Stream It posts, so it takes a really terrible movie to inspire what has to be one of the funniest Stream It posts in FYA history. Big ups to Stephanie for delivering gems like, “I’m all for trying to support your own, but this IS the type of government interference that gave us Nickelback in the music industry.”

4. Procrastination Pro-Tips: A QUEEN OF NOTHING Excerpt, TATBILB Sequel Casting News, And More

That other random Procrastination Pro-Tips post y’all loved contained a Queen of Nothing excerpt. OKAY WE GET IT, MORE EXCERPTS IN 2020!

3. FYA’s Grown-Up Guide To Romance Novels: Required Reading

We had a BLAST exploring the bodies…of work…of some of our favorite romance authors last February. In this post, we shared a few books we consider Required Reading of the romance genre.

2. FYA’s Grown-Up Guide to Romance Novels: The Wallflowers Series by Lisa Kleypas

You dirty dogs. Y’all really loved this romance series by Lisa Kleypas and tbh, I don’t blame you one bit. ::fans face::

1. The Buffy the Vampire Slayer Rewatch

The Buffy rewatch tag *ahem* slayed the competition to take the number one spot. You guys showed UP to rewatch Buffy the Vampire Slayer in all its badass glory, but this is no surprise, since our rewatches consistently rank super high on these lists.

Did your favorite post make the list? Is there anything you’d like to see more (or less!) of in 2020? Let us know in the comments.


Rosemary lives in Little Rock, AR with her husband and cocker spaniel. At 16, she plucked a copy of Sloppy Firsts off the "New Releases" shelf and hasn't stopped reading YA since. She is a brand designer who loves tiki drinks, her mid-century modern house, and obsessive Google mapping.