Hey y’all! We just finished the first season of our Friday Night Lights Rewatch Project, and damn, what a spectacular run of episodes. It’s been such a blast to revisit the early moments of the show and fall in love all over again. Which makes it, unfortunately, that much harder to head into Season 2, which is universally acknowledged to be the worst season of the series thanks in part to the writers strike.
But hey, that’s why we have a drinking game! And honestly, there is still a lot to enjoy about the second season—but I won’t lie, alcohol certainly improves the experience.
So grab your six pack of beer and make like Tim Riggins as we head into Season 2!

The Official FYA Friday Night Lights S2 Drinking Game
Drink once every time:
- You want to give Matt Saracen a hug
- Tami Taylor drinks a glass of wine
- Tami Taylor says “y’all”
- Landry Clarke goes off on a tangent
- You’re Team Tyra Collette
- Buddy Garrity makes you roll your eyes
- Lyla Garrity is a little (or a LOT) much about the Jesus
- You think, “It’s JUST football, people.”
- You are not a fan of the romantic relationship you’re seeing on screen
- Glen is just SO Glen
- Baby Gracie appears in a scene
- You are reminded why no one likes Season 2
Drink twice every time:
- The Panthers score a touchdown
- Tim Riggins makes poor choices
- There’s a classic Coach Taylor pep talk
- Landry and/or Tyra stress you out
- Tami and Julie clash
Take a shot every time you hear:
- “Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose!”
- “Texas Forever.”
Finish your drink when:
- Hands slap the Panther “P”
- Landry straight up kills a guy
See y’all here next Wednesday for Stephanie’s kickoff post on Episode One, “Last Days of Summer.”