Okay, I’m officially loving Play It Again, Dick. It’s the goofiest thing on earth, but in a way that entirely appeals to my sensibilities. This week’s episode opens with Rob Thomas happily giving press on his other CW show iZombie, when the cameraman asks him about the Veronica Mars spinoff. Rob laughs it off – SURELY there couldn’t be a Veronica Mars spinoff without his knowledge? He’s a cherished producer for the network! That’s just wacky fan gossip.
Cut to: Dick convincing Logan (sorry, Ryan Hansen convincing Jason Dohring) to join the spinoff. I’m dying at the fictional version of the real Jason Dohring: constantly shirtless, amazingly self-absorbed, entirely douchey, astonishingly vain, often doing pull-ups. Ryan seems pretty amenable to Jason’s idea to name the show “Ace and The Joker” and make it a buddy detective scenario, at least to Jason’s face. WOULD WATCH, by the way.
And we get what I hope isn’t our only glimpse of Chris Lowell: Ryan Skypes him to ask if he’d be interested in reprising his role as Piz. Lowell: “Fuck off.” Aww.
A reminder of our drinking game rules:
The Official FYA Play It Again, Dick Drinking Game
Drink once every time:
Dick dances.
Dick does a backflip.
Dick or Logan is shirtless.
The name “Dick” is used in a way that could also mean penis.
Drink twice every time:
Someone says “Veronica Mars.”
The second episode allows for TWENTY-EIGHT DRINKS IN EIGHT MINUTES, so no one should ever actually play this game unless they are hard-core alcoholics.
And finally! The most meta moment of the episode:
Jason Dohring reflecting back fondly on how far Ryan Hansen has come: “You know, when Ryan joined Mars, he was a glorified extra. He had one line. You know what that line was? ‘Logan.'”
Join us again next Wednesday for the next installment of this epic saga!