Cover of A Magic Fierce and Bright, featuring a young Indian woman wearing a red jacket and holding a silver spear

About the Book

Title: A Magic Fierce and Bright
Published: 2024
Swoonworthy Scale: 6

Cover Story: A Cover Fierce and Fabulous
BFF Charm: Yay
Talky Talk: Fantas(y)tic
Bonus Factor: Magical Creatures
Anti-Bonus Factor: Awful Grownups
Relationship Status: More Than a Summer Fling

Cover Story: A Cover Fierce and Fabulous

Love, love, love the fierce example of Adya on this cover. She’s so fiery in the book, it’s fitting that her hair looks a bit like a flame here.

The Deal: 

Adya just wants to live her life in peace, using her technomancy magic to restore electronics to their former glory. But life has other plans, and the British army’s push into South India is knocking on her doorstep, and her twin sister has yet to return from her trip to Mysore to speak with the Maharaja. 

When a local mob boss captures Adya, it sets off a chain reaction of events that will change all of South India, and perhaps even the world.

BFF Charms: Yay

Yay BFF Charm

Adya is a magical, fierce, bright young woman who wishes the world would just leave her alone. She’s comfortable living life in the jungle, making a meager living by repairing electronics for neighbors. She wishes her sister would come home, but Priya’s always been the one who thinks about the larger picture and wants to help; Adya knows her magical abilities are rare, but they’re also dangerous, and Adya doesn’t want to chance burning out (i.e., dying) for someone else’s whim. I totally get not wanting to make waves, but it’s clear that Adya was meant for more than just her provincial life. I’d give her a BFF Charm in a heartbeat, even though she’d totally be grumpy about it, at least on the surface.

Swoonworthy Scale: 6

Adya spends much of the book on the run for her life, so there’s not a lot of time to devote to swoon. However, there’s something appealing about her frenemy Dsouza, a guy who seems to be out for himself and himself only … especially as she learns more about him and the man underneath the facade. 

Talky Talk: Fantas(y)tic

A Magic Fierce and Bright is a fantasy novel set in a far future where a cataclysmic event brought magic to Earth five centuries ago and the British army has decided to (try to) take over the world (again). Technology doesn’t work any longer, unless it’s been literally brought back to life by a technomancer. Nayak has a deft hand for worldbuilding, and the magical system in the book is unique and interesting. The characters, too, are varied and well-written.

Bonus Factor: Magical Creatures

Jacob and Edward from Twilight stare at each other in front of a forest background

The introduction of magic to this world came with magical creatures, from elves to werewolves and giants to vampires. It’s amusing to think about an ogre strolling down a city street, although I’m sure if it happened in real life, I’d be running for my life. Unfortunately, most of the creatures are in the service of the vicious British Army, and not helping the Indian people drive them back.

Anti-Bonus Factor: Awful Grownups

Boxtrolls characters

When Adya first meets the Maharaja, she thinks he’s a good guy. Spoiler alert: He’s not. He quickly shows his true colors—all done for the “benefit of his people.” of course—and they’re very, very dark.

Relationship Status: More Than a Summer Fling

We had a rollicking good time together, Book, and I appreciate the adventure. I feel like there’s something more here than just a quick thing, and I hope you feel the same!

Literary Matchmaking

Star Daughter

Shveta Thakrar’s Star Daughter delves deeper into Indian mythology.

Alif the Unseen

G. Willow Wilson’s Alif the Unseen also mixes technology and fantasy.

The Kiss of Deception (The Remnant Chronicles #1)

Mary E. Pearson’s Remnant Chronicles also takes place in a future world where magic exists.

FTC Full Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, but got neither a private dance party with Tom Hiddleston nor money in exchange for this review. A Magic Fierce and Bright is available now.

Mandy (she/her) is a manager at a tech company who lives in Austin, TX, with her husband, son, and dogs. She loves superheroes and pretty much any show or movie with “Star” in the name.