About the Book
- Samuel Teer
- Mar Julia
- Genres:
- Graphic Novels
- Historical Fiction
- Voices:
- Cis Girl
- Guatemalan
- Straight
- White
Cover Story: Big Thoughts
BFF Charm: Big Sister
Talky Talk: Straight Up
Arty Art: Moving
Bonus Factors: Family of Choice, LGBTQ+ Representation
Relationship Status: Hugs All Around
Cover Story: Big Thoughts
The main character of this novel is not that large in reality, but her thoughts and feelings certainly seem huge.
The Deal:
It’s 1995. Almudena has lived for nearly 15 years without a father in her life. But when her dancer mother is offered a chance to tour Europe for the summer, she’s shipped off to live with him, in a mid-renovation brownstone. If not knowing each other wasn’t enough, there’s a language barrier—Almudena, although she’s half Latinx, doesn’t speak Spanish, and her father, Xavier, speaks very little English.
Will the two of them be able to survive a summer together?
BFF Charm: Big Sister

Almudena is struggling. Both with being a teenager on the cusp of young womanhood and all the emotions that come with that and also with learning to live with a father who’s never been a part of her lfe. Xavier has friends who live in the neighborhood, friends who can help translate, but the language barrier isn’t something that is easily overlooked, especially when the two of them are alone. Almudena, thankfully, finds support in a neighborhood bodega owner, but I would have loved to have been there for her as well. I wouldn’t have been much help, given that I don’t speak Spanish either, but I would have tried!
Swoonworthy Scale: 0
There’s no swoon in Brownstone, save for a few scenes between Xavier and his maybe girlfriend. Almudena’s got other things to worry about than a summer fling.
Talky Talk: Straight Up
Teer cuts straight to the heart of things with his writing. Almudena is a fully realistic teenager, down to her belief that at almost fifteen she could spend three months on her own. The mix of English and Spanish puts the reader in Almudena’s shoes, too, especially if (like me) they don’t know much Spanish.
Arty Art: Moving

Page via Versify
Julia’s art is perfect for a story that’s somewhat messy; there’s so much movement to the panels and emotion that shines through on the faces on all of the characters. I particularly love Almudena’s hair, which is almost alive and a character in its own right.
Bonus Factor: Family of Choice

Although Almudena has dreams that living with and getting to know her father will lead to a reconciliation between her parents and a new, three-person home life, she comes to realize that that’s not going to happen. And she’s OK with it, especially when she opens her heart to the family that Xavier’s made for himself in his neighborhood.
Bonus Factor: LGBTQ+ Representation

Because Brownstone takes place in the 1990s, queer folks (sadly) are viewed as “other” and, by some folks, unnatural. But Almudena doesn’t think this way, and she befriends two different queer folks, one of whom trusts her with his secret before anyone else. Living in the 2020s, I know that things get better for queer folk*, but it’s nice to see Almudena see these people as people; their sexual preferences don’t matter to her one bit.
*I do realize that things aren’t perfect now, either, but I do believe they’re better than they were in 1995.
Relationship Status: Hugs All Around
Your story hit me right in the feels, Book, and I’m grateful for the time we spent together. I’ll think of you fondly for a long time to come.
Literary Matchmaking

Jasmine Wallace and Teo Duvall’s Brooms also features multiracial and queer characters in a historical setting.

Kate Leth’s Mall Goth also takes place in the 1990s and has a main character who’s struggling with who they are and an absentee father.

Lilliam Rivera and Steph C.’s Unearthed is another graphic novel about a young woman finding out more about her culture.
FTC Full Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from Versify, but got neither a private dance party with Tom Hiddleston nor money in exchange for this review. Brownstone is available now.