About the Book
- Agatha Christie
Cover Story: Damn That’s Cold!
BFF Charm: Yay!
Swoonworthy Scale: 0
Talky Talk: Sit Up and Pay Attention
Bonus Factors: Cocktails!
Relationship Status: Together Forever
Cover Story: Damn That’s Cold
Dude, I’m not sure who you are supposed to be, but just sitting next to a guy who has been stabbed in the neck is not cool. Also, I’m pretty sure this has nothing to do with the plot.
The Deal:
This story concerns itself with the unhappy marriage of Jane Wilkinson to the rather stuffy and mean Lord Edgware. Since he won’t give her a divorce, she wishes he would die! And she complains to everyone around her about this fact. Well, guess what happens when he actually does turn up dead? Lord Edgware is found in his study, stabbed through the back of the neck with physician-like precision. However, Jane was at a hoity toity dinner party, so it couldn’t have been her, right?
Enter the charming Hercule Poirot to save the day and track down the murderer, hopefully before they murder again!
BFF Charm: Yay!

This story has lots of fun hanging out with actors, who take themselves oh-so-seriously. Poirot is smart enough to figure out who’s lying (obviously!), but are you, reader? I must confess, I got close to guessing the right answer, but not quite. I sure had a lot of good times along the way though!
Swoonworthy Scale: 0
Jane Wilkinson wanting to divorce one rich man because she has her sights set on an even richer man, contains zero swoon for me. She also isn’t the type to go in for all that swoon business, I think. This is purely about business.
Talky Talk: Sit Up and Pay Attention
Like I said, I put together some clues (so I’m not as dumb as Hastings), but I didn’t figure out the whole complex structure. But with Christie’s writing, you certainly could if you tried!
Bonus Factor: Cocktails!

Remember a while ago, when I made tea-flavored vodka? I’m using it again in this cocktail, again inspired by those ever-so-proper Brits! Here’s what you need to make your own Classic Tea Cocktail:
- 1 oz. tea-infused vodka
- 1 oz. milk (feel free to use almond milk or something else, if you don’t put the real stuff in your tea)
- 1 sugar cube
Combine the milk and sugar cube and stir until the cube dissolves. Add your vodka to this, and stir a moment more. Pour into a chilled glass or a teacup, if you’re trying to be authentic!
This one’s boozy, so go easy on it; it may taste like a souped-up version of your morning tea, but it will pack a punch!
Relationship Status: Together Forever
This book was a lot of fun to read, and I enjoyed the plot twists and turns a lot. I also liked hanging out with the celebrities of this fictional world (their lives are so glamorous!), so I would definitely pick this book up again!
FTC Full Disclosure: I received neither money nor cocktails for writing this review (dammit!). Lord Edgware Dies is available now.
About the Contributor:
Jill Brumer has been reading murder mysteries since she was old enough to wrap her hands around a Nancy Drew book. She can be found most days in Houston sewing or teaching others to sew.