About the Book

Title: Peril At End House (Hercule Poirot #7)
Published: 1932
Series: Hercule Poirot

Cover Story: Way to Ruin the Party, Lady
BFF Charm: Yay!
Swoonworthy Scale: 0
Talky Talk: Sit Up And Pay Attention
Bonus Factors: Cocktails!
Relationship Status: Together Forever

Cover Story: Way to Ruin the Party, Lady

This cover actually represents what happens in the novel (shocking, right? I know). We have a very likeable girl killed in cold blood while wearing her friend’s red wrap. The murderer (someone at the party?), obviously got the wrong girl! And probably ruined that wrap, which is a shame.

The Deal: 

While vacationing at a tiny English seaside village, Poirot and his trusty sidekick Hastings are approached by a beautiful woman, Magdala Buckley (known as Nick to her friends). It seems as though someone is trying to kill Nick, and she has very narrowly escaped a few times now. She invites Poirot to try and figure out what is going on; after all, she only owns this old, decrepit mansion at the top of the hill, End House, who would want to kill her for that? Prompted by the murder attempt that happens right in front of Poirot’s face, he obviously is on the case. Not soon enough though! Nick’s friend, wearing Nick’s red wrap at a party at End House, is shot and killed. Poirot is beside himself trying to uncover a plot that gets more and more interesting the further he delves.

BFF Charm: Yay!

Yay BFF Charm

I love me some Poirot. And I love hanging out in this little village with a bunch of rich folk. That’s pretty much what I would do every day, if I could.

Swoonworthy Scale: 0

There is no swoon in this book. There is a secret engagement, which does turn out to be a huge turning point in the story, but, yawn.

Talky Talk: Sit Up And Pay Attention

This novel is definitely one where, if you’re up for the challenge, you just might be able to figure things out. I must admit, I got close. Not all the way, but close. And maybe that comes from reading a lot of Christie’s work. But also I think it’s just good storytelling. Allowing the reader to gather clues along with our protagonist is fun and engaging. And you just may guess this one if you try!

Bonus Factor: Cocktails!

In honor of the deadly red wrap Nick’s friends, Maggie, dies in, I wanted to make a classic cocktail that highlights the color red. Red for me makes me think of bitters, and my favorite way to enjoy bitters is in a champagne cocktail. Here’s what you need to make your very own:


  • Sparkling wine (I like the Cava Brut!)
  • 5-6 dashes of bitters (I like Angostura!)
  • 1 sugar cube

Place the sugar cube in the bottom of your champagne flute. Add your dashes of bitters to it, then top off with your sparkling wine. Be careful! The sugar makes your drink bubble up more than usual, so pour slowly!

Relationship Status: Together Forever

I like this story a lot; I feel like I can go back and re-read it again and again. I can watch Poirot almost, almost get outwitted (but of course, the crook never quite gets away with it. This is a good, quick read, and totally enjoyable. I’m keeping this one around for sure.

FTC Full Disclosure: I received neither money nor cocktails for writing this review (dammit!). Peril At End House is available now.

About the Contributor:

Jill Brumer has been reading murder mysteries since she was old enough to wrap her hands around a Nancy Drew book. She can be found most days in Houston sewing or teaching others to sew.

This post was written by a guest writer or former contributor for Forever Young Adult.