About the Book

Title: Fall Into Darkness
Published: 1990

The Deal:

Sharon is on trial for murdering her best friend, Ann. (Ann RICE, no less.) But there are far twistier plots at play than plain old murder!

Christopher Pike’s Favorite Literary Devices:

  • Creepy Siblings
  • Detective
  • Dream Sequence
  • Drugs
  • Faked Death
  • Revenge
  • Villain Monologue

Can I Guess the End?

You can probably guess the end of this book.

How Fucked Up Is This Book?

It’s moderately fucked up.

Does the Cover/Title Accurately Represent the Story?

The title and cover are both kinda weak, but somewhat representative of the book.

Should I Read (Or Re-Read As an Adult) This Book?

Nah, don’t read it. I LOVED it as a kid and it’s just not nearly as diabolically brillz as I’d remembered.

FTC Full Disclosure: I received neither money nor cocktails for writing this review (dammit!). Fall Into Darkness is available now.

Meredith Borders is formerly the Texas-based editor of Fangoria and Birth.Movies.Death., now living and writing (and reading) in Germany. She’s been known to pop by Forever Young Adult since its inception, and she loves YA TV most ardently.