About the Book

Title: Mockingjay (The Hunger Games #3) [Erin and Henri’s Take]
Published: 2010

Erin and I are going to revisit our Peeta v. Gale debate while also reacting to everything else in Mockingjay in real time. This is a first for me, btw – all of my other YA books have been experienced purely through audio book. But I don’t like the lady who narrates the Hunger Games trilogy on iTunes any more than everyone else likes Suzanne Collins’ voice when she does readings, apparently, so I guess I’ll just go read it out loud to myself.

About the Contributor:

Henri Mazza loves all things narrative whether they’re books, movies, comics, music videos, video games, or commercials that make him cry.

This post was written by a guest writer or former contributor for Forever Young Adult.