About the Book
- Christopher Pike
- Genre:
- Horror
- Voices:
- Cis Girl
- White (Non-Specified)
The Deal:
Rela saves up money to buy a VCR so she can ogle Mel Gibson’s bare ass in Lethal Weapon in slow-motion. No, really. But as she begins recording news programs, she realizes she’s recording news from…THE FUTURE! (This book gets a sneaky shout-out in Remember Me!)
Christopher Pike’s Favorite Literary Devices:
- Dream Sequence
- False Identity
- Incest
- Robot
- Secretly Related
- Villain Monologue
Can I Guess the End?
You can DEFINITELY NOT guess the end of this book.
How Fucked Up Is This Book?
Does the Cover/Title Accurately Represent the Story?
OMG, I love this title and cover. They’re ridiculous, but apropos of the story.
Should I Read (Or Re-Read As an Adult) This Book?
Read it! It’s absolutely crazy!
FTC Full Disclosure: I received neither money nor cocktails for writing this review (dammit!). The Eternal Enemy is available now.