Close up of Jason Street on FNL.


Title: Friday Night Lights S1.E06 “El Accidente”
Released: 2006
Series:  Friday Night Lights

Drinks Taken: 7


Follow the whole rewatch here!

[Tami Taylor voice] Hey y’all! I’m so excited to join the Friday Night Lights rewatch! Last week, Meredith C. asked what I’m most looking forward to this season and that would be revisiting our faves when everything was still simple – before anyone got murdered, went to prison, or any unnecessary children were introduced. 

In the previous episode, Voodoo Tatom joined the team but proved that he’s no team player. Coach Taylor kicked him out of the game at halftime and Matty Saracen saved the day again. But the district eligibility committee is opening a formal investigation into Voodoo’s eligibility to play for Dillon and if he’s found ineligible their last win will be forfeited. THANKS FOR THAT, BUDDY GARRITY.

The Official FYA Friday Night Lights Season 1 Drinking Game

Drink once every time:

You want to give Matt Saracen a hug
Tami Taylor drinks a glass of white wine 
Tami Taylor says “y’all”
Landry Clarke goes off on a tangent
You’re Team Tyra Collette
Buddy Garrity makes you roll your eyes
You think, “It’s JUST football, people.”
The quick camera cuts make you reach for the Dramamine

Drink twice every time:

The Panthers score a touchdown
Tim Riggins makes poor choices
There’s a classic Coach Taylor pep talk
Grandma Saracen says something sassy

Take a shot every time you hear:

“Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose!”
“Texas Forever.”

Finish your drink when:

Hands slap the Panther “P”
Jason’s incident happens
Book club admits they don’t read the book

On to the episode!

A white man in a Sheriff's uniform escorts a handcuffed Hispanic teenager with a white male football coach behind them.

1.06 “El Accidente”

Most of the Dillon Panthers are hanging out at what I think is the Alamo Freeze. (It’s just this and the Applebee’s right? There are no other restaurants in Dillon.) when Voodoo Tatom comes in with some of his boys. (Who are these guys? Voodoo has lived here for five minutes.) Smash immediately gets up in his face and tells him to leave, and another member of the team, Bobby Reyes agrees, to which Voodoo says something gross and racist. It almost turns into a fight when Tim Riggins, of all people, defuses the situation. Landry and his and Matt’s friend Kaster are leaving the restaurant when the TV news has just bummed everyone out with the announcement that there hasn’t been a decision yet on Voodoo’s eligibility and thus the potential forfeit of last week’s game remains unknown. Kaster makes the epically bad choice to wonder aloud what the big deal is because it’s just football. (Drink!) Reyes, still pissed about Voodoo’s comment, follows Kaster out to the parking lot to take it out on him. Kaster promptly apologizes, but Reyes still beats the shit out of him before everyone comes out to pull him off. The next day at practice, the Sheriff comes to arrest Reyes for assault. 

Jason tries to get frisky with Lyla, despite the OPEN DOOR to his room in the rehab center when a nurse interrupts. Once they’re alone, the nurse explains to Jason that it’s not medically safe for him to ejaculate. They don’t explain whether this is because he’s paralyzed or because he’s currently bedridden (I assume it’s the latter since it’s definitely only a temporary sitch, but I am not a medical professional). Jason calls Tim over to confront him about the fact that he’s been in there for six weeks and he’s dealing with a lot of shit and his best friend has only been by once. Riggins takes the talk to heart and busts Jason out for the night. Buzzkill Lyla shows up rain on this parade but Jason talks her into joining them. Jason loves the open road and fresh air while Tim and Lyla stew in their guilt. Tim proposes a new pact around a campfire that being best friends is more important than football and that it can get them past anything. After Tim and Lyla drop Jason off, he sees them out the window sharing a long embrace, which Jason correctly interprets as shady as hell.

When Eric visits Reyes in jail, he gets a pretty bullshit recounting of the interaction with Kaster, ending with accusing Kaster of being the one who used a racist slur. Later that night, Reyes goes on the news embellishing the story even more, now Kaster not only said that about him but also about his mom. 

Landry confronts Matt at school about knowing that Reyes lied. Matt points out they weren’t outside, so they don’t know what happened. But Landry reminds him they do know that Voodoo was the one who said racist stuff and they’ve known Kaster since the seventh grade and never heard him be racist. Landry wants Matt to do something, but Matt doesn’t think he has that kind of platform and wants to just let this all blow over. Like Landry, I am disappointed in you, Saracen. When Reyes interrupts them talking it out later at the Alamo Freeze, Landry is the only one who has the balls to publicly confront Reyes about the fact that if he wasn’t a Panther, he’d still be in jail for assault. But then Landry ruins it by following Reyes out and jumping on him in the parking lot. Saracen quickly breaks it up. That night, Matt goes to Coach Taylor’s house to tell Eric that Kaster didn’t say anything racist. Matt said he should have said something sooner but he might have been confused about what was right for the team and what was right. This talk sends Coach over to Kaster’s house to apologize and promise him that no football player will be messing with him when he gets back to school. 

On the Voodoo front, Eric and Buddy meet with a guy with the athletics administration that Buddy just happens to be buddies with and he thinks everything is gonna be just fine. And it is – briefly. The principal announces Voodoo was deemed eligible to play and the Panthers’ victory over Arnett Mead will stand. But Eric (who is maybe feeling a certain way about what Matt said about what’s right for the team and what’s right and his part in the Voodoo recruitment) sidelines Voodoo at practice. 

How many times do I have to take a drink?

6 drinks (in an unexpected plot twist, Tami drank red this week!) and 1 shot

Did the Panthers win? 

This week was all about last week’s win and whether it would stand. We never even got to the game!

MVP of the Week

Landry, a slightly dorky looking white guy with reddish blonde hair wearing a tshirt

Bless sweet baby Landry for speaking up from the jump. I’m glad Saracen got there, and telling Coach was the important factor in getting the whole Reyes thing sorted out. But Landry was the fearless one.

Douchebag Play of the Week 

This category courtesy of Tyra, who calls Riggins out for being one when she stops by to let him know one of the other players asked her out. She does it under the guise of giving him a heads-up and being mature, but obviously just wants to make him jealous. Tim does not even pretend to care.

Best Taylor Couple Moment

I love the moment when Tami and Coach are drinking red wine in the backyard and he confesses that he went along with Buddy’s seedy promises to Voodoo and he sometimes feels like he has to sell his soul to the devil a little bit to do what he does. Coach just loves football, y’all. 

Tim Riggins’ Finest Moment

a white boy with long brown hair

Lyla stops by the Riggins homestead to break Tim’s’ heart by telling him they have to end their affair because she can’t live with herself. He takes it as well as you can expect, meaning he pops the top on another beer. But as pretty as he looks while having his heart crushed, I am sorry to report that he is smokin’ while being a douchebag.

The Taylor Advice of the Week

Tami informs Tyra that she is failing algebra and if she flunks this year she’ll have to retake it, but Tyra says she’s going to get her GED and go to California. Tami tells her that she’s been there, she was the pretty girl in school and bad at math but she got through it, and Tyra says she doesn’t want to stay in a small town and marry a coach. MA’AM. You would be lucky to end up like Tami Taylor. The woman just wants you girls to get an education.

Post-Game Breakdown

Buddy bangs on the Taylors’ door late at night to let Erc know that Voodoo peaced out back to Louisiana and made sure to talk to a reporter before he left town, blowing up their eligibility lie and that he’d been actively recruited. The previous win is now forfeited. Whomp whomp.

Join us next week for “Homecoming”. My question for next week’s recapper, Meredith B., and friends in the comments: who would you ask to a Dillon High dance? 

Kandis (she/her) is a proud member of the Austin FYA book club chapter who loves vampires, romance novels, live tweeting CW shows, and Jonah Griggs. She’s not like a regular mom. She’s a cool mom.