Last week, Meredith C. asked who I thought would be getting it one this week as the episode title implies, and my original guess would have been the horny teens, but as you’ll find out, I was proven wrong.
Previously, Tami and Julie had been fighting a lot, especially about Julie’s ill-advised sojourn on the Swedish side. Eric quit his job at TMU to come back to his family and the Panthers. Jason went to Mexico for an experimental surgery in hopes of regaining the use of his legs. Riggins called Lyla to come talk Street out of it. Landry’s dad was called to investigate the murdered rapist found floating in the river and Tyra convinced Landry to keep his mouth shut about being the murderer.
Don’t forget those drinking game rules!

The Official FYA Friday Night Lights Season 2 Drinking Game
Drink once every time:
You want to give Matt Saracen a hug
Tami Taylor drinks a glass of wine
Tami Taylor says “y’all”
Landry Clarke goes off on a tangent
You’re Team Tyra Collette
Buddy Garrity makes you roll your eyes
Lyla Garrity is a little (or a LOT) much about the Jesus
You think, “It’s JUST football, people.”
You are not a fan of the romantic relationship you’re seeing on screen
Glen is just SO Glen
Baby Gracie appears in a scene
You are reminded why no one likes Season 2
Drink twice every time:
The Panthers score a touchdown
Tim Riggins makes poor choices
There’s a classic Coach Taylor pep talk
Landry and/or Tyra stress you out
Tami and Julie clash
Take a shot every time you hear:
“Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose!”
“Texas Forever.”
Finish your drink when:
Hands slap the Panther “P”
Landry straight up kills a guy
Now on to the episode!

2.05 “Let’s Get It On”
Lyla arrives in Mexico in a hot little white halter dress and Street is shocked to see her since Riggins didn’t mention his call. As the guys show her around and tell her about their fun times there, Riggins is drinking a bottle of beer on the street in broad daylight (which is actually illegal in most of Mexico – don’t ask me how I know). Later, Riggins catches Lyla getting in a cab to head home because she’s pissed the guys have done nothing but get drunk and screw (sex workers, not each other) since they got to Mexico and Riggins doesn’t have a plan to stop Street. When he informs her that his big plan to talk him out of it involves a booze cruise, she’s even more pissed. Lyla, have you met Tim Riggins? But he does rightly point out that at least he’s there by Street’s side, whether he’s making a mistake or not. She relents and gets her bag out of the taxi before telling her he’ll need some extra cash for the booze cruise.
Eric sets a whole seduction scene since Tami has been cleared by her doctor to resume marital activities in the bedroom. But in an incredibly realistic moment, Tami says “nuh uh, you can get your ass out and take the baby for the night so I can get some sleep for a damn change.” Or, something to that effect, anyway.
At school, Julie tries to make awkward conversation with Saracen, while Landry eavesdrops. As soon as Julie walks away, Landry warns him not to go there. Later in the week, Julie makes another obvious overture to get back with Saracen when she offers him her extra ticket to The Decemberists and he jumps at the chance. Have some pride, boy.
When Coach Mac catches Taylor sleeping in his office, he comments on the bags under his eyes and asks if he and Tami are “back in the saddle again.” Gross, Mac. Eric speaks for all of us when he tells Mac he doesn’t ever want to hear about him in the saddle again. But Mac does plant the idea of bringing Tami flowers and sending her out to get tipsy with the girls. Tami wakes up to Eric cooking breakfast and taking care of the baby (you know, being a co-parent and partner) and is way too grateful for that and some grocery flowers. “A man takes care of his wife” says the man who has been working in another city for months while his wife gave birth to and has been caring for an infant alone). But he tells her there are going to be some changes, including her going out to book club, having some wine, and relaxing.
“I don’t want to go to book club. Those ladies are crazy.”
At the police station, Landry’s dad overhears detectives talking about Tyra’s record and how they consider her a person of interest since she reported the attempted rape by their murder victim and she has a long (JUVENILE) record and her sister is a stripper. Man, eff these guys. When Officer Clarke gets home and sees Tyra leaving after Landry helped her with trig, he asks Landry some questions about Tyra’s attacker. Landry decides to play real dumb and not very well.
On the field, Coach is getting the team to have fun again but Saracen and Smash are still butting heads and end up in a shoving match that gets them sent to run laps. Eric has them over to hash things out over bowls of chili. He doesn’t succeed other than to get Saracen to claim that Smash isn’t any different than Eric, just using the team as a stepping stone to better things, just like Julie did when she dumped him for the Swede. Saracen walks out and Eric kicks Smash out right after him.
Officer Clarke shows up at Tyra’s door and asks to come in. Mindy is wandering around the house in her bra but apparently never taught Tyra not to let the cops in without a warrant. Clarke insinuates that the only reason Tyra is with Landry has something to do with the dead guy since he knows Landry is lying to him about Tyra. He tells her to stay away from his son. I had previously thought Officer Clarke seemed like a pretty by-the-book upstanding guy (despite being a cop) but showing up in uniform to intimidate a teenage girl into staying away from your poor boy? That’s some bullshit. After the game, Tyra pulls Landry away to tell him that she doesn’t think they should be together anymore since people are talking. When Landry tries to talk her out of it, she sees no other way but to ask him that if [the murder] hadn’t happened, would they have ever ended up together, and tells him to just look in the mirror. It’s WAY HARSH. Tyra breaks down crying in her car while Landry goes back in to be celebrated at the sandwich shop? The Alamo Freeze? I never know.
Riggins suggests getting one last round of drinks before the three head back to Texas. They laugh and have a good time with Lyla going back and forth, sitting on laps, and sharing a kiss and a cuddle with both guys, and just when you think it’s about to become a very hot threesome, somebody remembered this is a family show and in a line that made me cackle, Lyla says she has to go pray.
How many times do I have to take a drink?
19, plus a shot. Riggins would be proud.
Did the Panthers win?
“The once beloved and now controversial Coach Taylor” benches Saracen and Smash for most of the game to teach them a lesson, and they keep squabbling while watching the Panthers nearly lose the game. After halftime and watching Landry make some headway on the field, Smash and Saracen decide they can kiss and make up because they want back in the game. Thanks to a last-minute penalty, Smash is able to score the final touchdown that wins the game.
MVP of the Week

Eric yells at the team in the locker room at halftime, especially at the players who are discombobulated by the lack of Saracen and Smash on the field until Landry gets the courage to speak up and remind the team that they’re stronger together than they are alone. Eric puts Landry in the game and he makes a tackle that helps the Panthers score their first touchdown of the game. After the win, the announcers praise Landry’s efforts, Coach welcomes him to the team, the crowd chants his name, his parents are so thrilled that his mama is crying, it’s all very sweet. (Right before Tyra breaks his heart.)
Best Saracen Play of the Week
Matt didn’t get much playing time, but off the field, he backs out of going to the concert with Julie because he finally grows a spine and tells her he’s still mad at her for cheating on him, lying about it, and waiting way too late to apologize. I was glad he didn’t take her right back. Instead of begging for forgiveness, she was nearly acting like nothing happened.
Best Taylor Couple Moment
Tami comes home from book club in a good mood and singing something terrible, and laughingly tells Eric that every woman at book club had a story about the lengths their spouses went to trying to get laid six weeks after the baby when their wives weren’t ready yet. Eric ignores that and tries to make his move, but Tami’s boobs hurt too much and she has to go pump. Read the room, Eric. These post-partum scenes with them not being in-step in the bedroom after a new baby felt like a really authentic marriage.
Tim Riggins’ Finest Moment

When Riggins and Lyla stage their booze cruise intervention, Street argues that he’s fine with dying on the table if it means there’s a chance he could walk again. And he lashes out at both of them over their own coping mechanisms, like Jesus, or sleeping with the single mom neighbor. Riggins finally puts his foot down and says he can’t look Street’s family in the eye if he lets him die.
“I love you and I will knock your ass out and bring you back to Dillon if I have to.”
The Taylor Advice of the Week
Tami is just trying to pick up some food at the Alamo Freeze when Matt asks her if he’s a chump for going out with Julie again. I’m not sure it’s possible to actually be that oblivious, and Tami has no idea what to say when put in the most awkward position of all time, but she goes with trust being important. Which? Yikes. She is absolutely correct but also seems to have been inadvertently responsible for reminding Matt that he doesn’t trust Julie anymore.
Post-Game Breakdown
- After the game, Tami does seem to take pity on a worn-out Eric and offers to fool around. No shock, he jumps at the chance. The Taylors remain solid.
- I am always Team Tyra, but could she have chosen a worse time to break up with Landry? Ouch.
- Grandma Saracen cheering Landry and the Panthers on from the stands, even though Matt was benched? The cutest.
- I will be so glad to see the end of this murder subplot and also the last of the Dillon Police Department. But I’m afraid that last part is just wishful thinking.
My question for next week’s recapper, Meredith B. is this. Riggins/Street/Garrity threesome: Missed opportunity or disaster averted? Weigh in with your thoughts in the comments, y’all!
Be sure to join us next week for “How Did I Get Here”!
I straight up CHEERED when Matt put Julie in her place. You know what’s hot, Matt? Some self-respect!
Agreed! Julie has way more groveling to do if she wants another shot.
I didn’t even know that was what I needed until Matt did it. YES, make Julie suffer for her poor decisions!
This episode was filled with so many awkward moments that had me dying. Eric’s clunky attempts at covert seduction, like…CHILL, dude. Did you just push out a human? I think you and your hand can hang out alone a little while longer, especially after you single-parented her for months. Jason yeeting himself off the side of the boat was unintentionally hilarious, but I loved the conversation on the beach that came out of it.
Having wanted to yeet myself out of many an uncomfortable conversation, I may end up adopting Jason’s method.
– I did find this episode to have some funny parts (Lyla praying away the threesome urge, Tim asking Lyla for a booze cruise allowance). I feel like Tim might be funnier this season?
– Horndog Eric was awful for all the aforementioned reasons, but I also wanted to yell about how his initial reasoning was comparing to Tami’s pregnancy with Julie a whole sixteen years ago. Although I suppose he wasn’t around for most of it, so no wonder he assumed everything would have been the same 🙃