Netflix Summary:
With exams, a school trip to Paris and prom on the horizon, Nick, Charlie and the gang must navigate the next stages of life, love, and friendship.
FYA Summary:
I loved, loved, loved the first season of Heartstopper. This season spends multiple episodes on the big class trip to Paris. (Hi, my high school never even took us out of state. Am I entitled to some kind of compensation?) I deeply appreciate Heartstopper for taking us to Paris since I’ve never been. Like Darcy, I anticipate finding the Mona Lisa disappointing. The Paris trip is the perfect opportunity for group hangs, romantic strolls, and hotel shenanigans. Since Nick intends to come out, if just to his friends, he and Charlie spend a lot of time trying to find the perfect opportunity, only for Nick to change his mind at the last minute. Considering how absolute heart-eyes these two are for each other, this has to be the least well-kept secret in any school ever.
This season, Elle is applying to an art school in another town, which prompts Tao to finally open up about his feelings for her. Tara and Darcy’s relationship moves forward (or at least Tara would like it to) and Isaac draws the attention of a new boy. And Imogen (bless her heart) starts dating Charlie’s secret ex, Ben. All this, plus prom, means that there is no evidence of a sophomore slump here.
Familiar Faces:

L-R: Kit Connor as Nick Nelson, Joe Locke as Charlie Spring, Tobie Donovan as Isaac Henderson, William Gao as Tao Xu, Yasmin Finney as Elle Argent
The cast remains mostly fresh-faced unknowns, aside from the massive little Netflix hit on their hands. And they could not embody these characters more delightfully. Sweet baby angels, every single one. (Except for Ben. That guy can go to hell.) This season brings us plenty more time with the core four plus Nick. For obvious reasons, we get more time with Tao and Elle (including their first date!). I also loved getting a glimpse at Tara and Darcy’s home lives, Elle’s parents, and several new friends for Elle and the girls (some are original comic characters). Never fear, Charlie’s Victorian ghost sister is still the best thing on television. And Tao’s mom remains firmly the cutest Team Elle stan ever. I would like her to adopt Darcy next.
Couch-Sharing Capability: Puppy Pile
This is the most chaste romance since Bella Swan fell for that creepy guy in her biology class. If you watch this after Sex Education, you’d be forgiven for thinking you’ve been dropped onto a completely different planet. By which I mean that Heartstopper continues to be so lovably wholesome that you can watch it with your young child or your grandma.
Recommended Level of Inebriation: Cozy
Since this show has such warm hug energy, and because these people drink a lot of tea, it really would have made more sense for this to be a fall show (I know, I know, the season is set before summer break). These cozy vibes are STRONG, y’all. I’d go with chai tea, spiked cocoa, or some relaxing red wine, like a proper adult chaperone. Whatever you do, I suggest staying far away from whatever Scnapps-like garbage that Darcy finds in Paris. I love that kid, but don’t pull a Darcy.
Use of Your Streaming Subscription: Inclusive
With the introduction of new gay and trans characters, another beloved character discovering their asexual identity, and Nick’s commitment to reminding people that he’s bi, and even our token straight, Imogen (or is she?), I continue to love the representation on this show. Considering how stellar the parents have been (absent and oblivious CW parents they are not), I even liked this season’s addition of some realistically bad ones. If just so we never take Olivia Colman as Nick’s mom for granted.
Aside from the excellent queer representation, Heartstopper is really just a great story about friendship. They’re a lovely supportive group of friends, and I will always adore how Nick tries so hard to get to know Charlie’s friends and reaches out when he can tell people are upset, and how he keeps trying with Tao, even when Tao is a pain in the ass. The friendship and the romance remain top-notch, but I really can’t overstate the enjoyment of just getting to watch people be decent to each other. And I’m so thrilled we get more of it.
We published this review during the 2023 WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes. This work would not exist without the labor of writers and actors, and we support their goals.