- Genres:
- Action-Adventure
- Comedy
- Science Fiction
Fix: Post-Apocalyptic
Platforms: Amazon Prime
Amazon Summary:
In a post-apocalyptic future, a wasteland warrior and a ruthless warlord face the most dystopian nightmare of all: settling down in the suburbs. Together they navigate the existential horrors of married life and small-town living, all under the dubious guidance of a wealthy junk trader. Also starring Jon Bass as the couple’s faithful war dog, and Karan Soni as a kill-bot who loves to party.
FYA Summary:
In a post-nuclear hellscape, road warrior Sid and warlord Freya attempt to adapt to married life in the settlement of Boomtown.
Familiar Faces:

Daniel Radcliffe as Sid
Once a semi-feral road warrior from the wastelands, a battle to the death with a fearsome warlord led unexpectedly to romance. Now a married man, he works in a junk shop, supporting his family. A far cry from from fighting for survival in the desert, he has to adjust to existence as a working man. But this new life gives him an opportunity to have something he never dreamed of: a chair.

Geraldine Viswanathan as Freya Exaltada
Once the most terrifying warlord in the wastelands, she’s ready to settle down. But can she face new challenges, like when the HOA won’t allow her to display the severed heads of her enemies? And is she slowing down? When her friends arrange a gang war for her, she barely puts any effort into killing the cute bandit.

Steve Buscemi as Morris Rubinstein
The wealthiest man in Boomtown and Sid’s employer, he’s not afraid to lord his status over the slobs who work for him. He lives in his own McMansion (well, an old McDonalds), has a hologramatic wife, and a two-headed son.

Karan Soni as TI-90 “Tai”
Freya’s gay bestie, party animal, and time traveling cyborg death bot. He’s jealous of how Sid is making Freya a boring suburbanite, but he’s willing to step in as marriage counselor when the passion begins to die. Still, maybe there are some things you don’t want to know about your friends.

Jon Bass as Scraps the War Dog
Actually, a human POW who was brainwashed by Freya, he’s her utterly loyal pet, to the extent he eats kibble and chews the furniture.
Couch Sharing Capability: A Girl and Her Dog
Again, the whole series is just a parody of modern society. When Freya wakes up at her own funeral, she has to admit that maybe she’s not the party girl she once was. When Tai overdoses on data, Sid saves him by covering him in rice. And when Sid buys his first car, he turns into an obnoxious motorhead, even though his vehicle is actually just a huge man who carries him around.
Recommended Level of Inebriation: Waterworld
Again, this show pushes the bounds of good taste, and our daughter had her hand on the fast forward button during several episodes. Like when Mr. Rubinstein goes to his high school reunion, loses a fight with his old bully, and has sex with his former crush…even though he was the only survivor of the nuclear war and all his classmates are skeletons. Or when Sid confesses to being aroused by boulders. Or when Scrap’s human family returns him to his old town and reunites him with his children, where he can resume his life as a husband, father, and farmer. Until he gets sick of the work and lets Freya burn the town and kill everyone there.
Use of Your Streaming Service: The Day After
This is the last season of the series, and it kind of breaks my heart a bit.
Thanks for turning me on to this show, Brian. We’re only halfway through this season so far and it’s still funny, although I don’t think it’s going to be my favorite of the bunch. I’m definitely bummed it’s over, too, but I’m glad it was on long enough to give us Dan’s rendition of “Comin’ Round the Mountain” LOL. Geraldine Viswanathan has such great comedic timing; I hope we see her on more things in the future!