Fix: Christmas romance, ABC Family, Made for TV, Groundhog’s Day
Platforms: DisneyPlus
Netflix Summary:
Set up on a blind date with handsome Miles on Christmas Eve, Kate gets 12 chances to relive the date over and over again until she sets things right.
FYA Summary:
Kate lives by a Life Plan that includes getting back together with her ex, Jack, and the dog they share custody of. Then she gets hit by a mall perfume spray that knocks her out (I know, I know), right before she goes to meet her “mercy blind date”, her step-mother’s godson, Miles. Kates makes such a fool of herself that fate gives her 12 chances to fix the mess, before she loses out on the perfect man.
Familiar Faces:

Amy Smart as Kate
She answers her phone on a date. Aren’t you dying to know what she could possibly do to recover from that, and earn MPG?

Mark-Paul Gosselaar as Miles
Since I’m currently obsessed with Pitch, I’ve developed quite the soft spot for MPG. He sells ridiculously perfect man pretty well.
Laura Miyata as Miyoko
The thankless best friend that Kate takes far too long to remember could use a happy ending of her own.
Joe MacLeod as Toby
The precious angel baby at the bar who’s on a far worse blind date.
Jayne Eastwood as Margene
Kate’s fantastic older lady neighbor, who basically needs her own entire movie.
Couch-Sharing Capability: Snuggle Up
I usually dislike the repetitiveness of the Groundhog’s Day premise. But this girl really does need 12 chances to get her act together. You can totally enjoy this with your girlfriends, or with your boyfriends. You’ll definitely want to have someone next to you when you need to be like “Can you believe this girl?”
Recommended Level of Inebriation: Cheers!
Have a glass of wine, it’s Christmas! Have some bubbles, or an eggnog. But I’m with Kate, forget the beer.
Use of Your Streaming Subscription: Seasonal
But really, who doesn’t love a fun Christmas-themed TV romance? And after the dumpster fire that is 2016? God bless Hallmark and ABC Family Freeform for making these frothy romances to curl up with and tune out the world. I don’t know about you, but I could use this kind of thing on constant rotation until we make it out of this year.