Fix: Getting The Old Gang Back Together
Platform: Netflix
Netflix Summary:
When perennially single Bridget finds herself pregnant at age 43, she has to figure out if she’s ready for motherhood–and who the baby’s father is.
FYA Summary:
When we catch up with the old gang, Bridget and Mark have not worked out. (WHAT.) In fact, Mark has been married to some other lady over the last few years, and Bridget is once again looking for love in all the wrong places…including the Glastonbury Festival. This, like all things involving mud, loud music, questionable fashion choices, and terrible weather, is something best left to the under-25 crowd. That doesn’t stop Bridget from hooking up with adorable Jack, a mathematician…and then with Mark, a few days later, when she hears he has broken up with his wife. Suddenly she’s over 40, pregnant, and has no idea which of the two men is the baby’s father, let alone which one would be worthy of settling down again.
Familiar Faces:

Renee Zellweger as Bridget
Renee is kind of phoning it in the entire movie, but she’s also the least interesting part.

Colin Firth as Mark Darcy
Even at 56, I still would.

Patrick Dempsey as Jack Qwant
Patrick Dempsey is here to play his patented rom-com role, Guy Who Is A Handsome and Genuinely Nice, Puppy-Like Alternative, But Come On, We’re Here For The Other Guy.

Emma Thompson as Dr. Rawlings
Emma Thompson steals the show here, as she is wont to do.
Couch-Sharing Capability: Decent
This is a pretty cute installment of the series, and for anyone who’s grown up (or at least old) with Bridget, it’s fun to catch up with the beloved characters of the original movie. Everyone’s older and settled into their next phase of life. This is either soothing or horrifying, depending on your mood. If’s not too embarrassing to watch with your parents (and, in fact, that alone might make you feel younger), but it’s also not a Invite All Your Friends Over event, like a Newsies or Magic Mike XXL rewatch would be.
Recommended Level of Inebriation: Pour One Out (Into Your Mouth) For Pregnant Bridget
God, being pregnant sounds less than fun. On the other hand, if you’re going to do it, you might as well have Colin Firth and Patrick Dempsey fighting over you. We can all do our part by having the cocktails Bridget can’t.
Use of Your Streaming Subscription: Sick Day
This is the reason Netflix streaming was invented: for movies you may have been vaguely interested in when they came out, but never bothered to see in the theater. (Who wants to put on pants? I mean, really.) Instead, you can watch them in your pajamas, strewn across your couch like the laundry you’re too tired to sort. As sick day entertainment, it is perfectly delightful; if I had paid $14 to see it in the theater, I would have sighed and questioned my judgment.