
Title: Pretty Little Liars S6 Wrap-Up: Part 1
Released: 2016

It’s March, so you know what that means? It’s time for Misandry Madness! In the grand competitive tradition of this month, we will spend the next few weeks sorting through all of the truly terrible men of Rosewood PA, so that one can finally be crowned Most Garbage Man Of All! A dubious honor, to be sure, but it sure will make organizing our hit list more efficient.

We’ve combed through the archives to dredge up the very worst of Rosewood’s men, the shitty dudes to end all shitty dudes, and we’ve narrowed it down to this final slate, in seeded order:

  1. Ezra
  2. Wilden
  3. Ken Dad
  4. Cousin Nate
  5. Ian
  6. Andrew
  7. Ella’s Pastry Chef
  8. Wren
  9. Lucas
  10. Noel
  11. Fucking Jonny
  12. Holbrook
  13. Lorenzo
  14. Jason
  15. Generic White Boy (Composite)
  16. WILD CARD: Bad Dad Winner

We’ll start this week with a wild card vote-in round for the 16th slot: BAD DADS. Ken Dad Laurentis guaranteed himself a highly-seeded spot by being such a transphobic misandrist dick to his whole family, but the Liars’ other fathers will duke it out for the final, un-coveted spot. (NB: Wayne Fields is already exempt for being a generally stand-up gentleman.)

Next week: The bracket is revealed, and the race to the bottom begins!

Rosemary lives in Little Rock, AR with her husband and cocker spaniel. At 16, she plucked a copy of Sloppy Firsts off the "New Releases" shelf and hasn't stopped reading YA since. She is a brand designer who loves tiki drinks, her mid-century modern house, and obsessive Google mapping.