
Title: Good Girls (Season #1)
Released: 2018

Fix: Good People Doing Bad Things, Weeds, Moms Doin’ Crimes, Swoon, Neck Tattoos
Platform: Netflix

Netflix Summary:

As Beth, Ruth, and Annie face personal and financial crises, they decide to team up and take back their lives – by robbing their local grocery store.

FYA Summary:

When a group of suburban soccer moms are pushed past the brink (ah, to be a woman in the year 2018!) by their cheating husbands, terrible bosses, and uncaring government, they decide to rob a local grocery store, but find themselves quickly caught up in a much bigger crime scheme than they’d ever planned.

Familiar Faces:

FF Good Girls Christina Hendricks

Christina Hendricks as Beth

Anyone who’s seen Mad Men knows how well Christina can play tough-yet-vulnerable, and in Good Girls, she pulls out all the stops but flips the script to vulnerable-yet-tough as Beth. She doesn’t start out as a bad ass – she is afraid, weak, she doubts herself – but eventually she has to become a bad ass as a means of survival. 

FF Good Girls Retta

Retta as Ruby

We loved Retta as Donna on Parks and Rec, but as Ruby, she’s a bit more serious and I love seeing that side of her – though she’s still responsible for some of my favorite Good Girls reaction gifs. 

FF Good Girls Mae Whitman

Mae Whitman as Annie

Mae plays Beth’s little sister and general hot mess Annie, who is navigating single parenthood and trying to raise a trans child. Mae plays it perfectly: she’s a little stressful as a screw up, but always redeems herself. She’s like a badly behaved yet lovable kitten.

FF Good Girls Matthew Lillard

Matthew Lillard as Dean

You remember Matthew Lillard from being The Worst in every 90s movie he appeared in: Scream, She’s All That…okay those are the only examples I can think of. And guess what guys? He’s back doing what he does best because OH MY GOD DEAN IS THE WORST. He’s Beth’s awful husband, and I promise you, you will scream at your TV every time Dean does a Dean.

FF Good Girls David Hornsby

David Hornsby as Boomer

Probably best known for playing Rickety Cricket on It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, you will not be surprised to learn that Boomer, Annie’s boss at the Fine & Frugal grocery store, is a gross, creepy, pervy jerk. 

Couch-Sharing Capability: Mixed Bag

In my house, this show is husband-approved, because it’s sort of like network television’s answer to Weeds, which he loved and still owns on DVD. But there is a reason why you can find me blowing up the specially-made-just-for-this-show Good Girls group chat the moment I finish an episode, because I need to freak out about parts of the show that my husband doesn’t remotely care about.

Recommended Level of Inebriation: Spritz Spritz, Baby

The only fluids you need for watching Good Girls is a spray bottle of cold water a la Blanche Devereaux because there is a certain unexpected pairing in this show that absolutely sizzles with swoon. But if you wanted to take a shot every time [REDACTED] pushes [REDACTED’S] hair back with his pinky finger, call me and I’ll do the same.

Use of Your Streaming Subscription: Couch Camp Out

The writers of Good Girls are extremely good at building an episode to a cliffhanger in the last scene, so that you have to watch…just…one…more…episode. Seriously, clear a weekend because you’re going to want to binge the full season in one sitting, then, jonesing for more, scour the web to find season two (hint: the first five episodes of season 2 can be viewed on NBC.com and the rest can be viewed on Hulu). 


Rosemary lives in Little Rock, AR with her husband and cocker spaniel. At 16, she plucked a copy of Sloppy Firsts off the "New Releases" shelf and hasn't stopped reading YA since. She is a brand designer who loves tiki drinks, her mid-century modern house, and obsessive Google mapping.