Netflix Summary:
Canadian comic Katherine Ryan’s stand-up special packed with anecdotes, jokes, and a pertinent take on society.
FYA Summary:
I’m really glad Netflix decided to do this comedy special thing on the regular, as I am a lazy creature who wouldn’t go out of my way to find new (to me) comedians like Katherine, but I’ll certainly watch them when they’re incessantly shoved into my face with bright graphics.
Right away you will note that Katherine’s humor won’t be for everyone; she’s sarcastic and irreverent and thinks “men are like dolphins—in that they should be enjoyed on holiday. They’re very intelligent, almost as smart as people…but that doesn’t mean you should have one in your house.” Katherine is also a single mom who doesn’t feel the need to date, and has a nine-year-old English daughter who “is like having a tiny, ineffective butler at home.” It took me a little while to get into the groove of her set, but by the end I was quite amused, especially when she described her home renovations and her contractor’s reluctance to call her daughter’s room “The Glitter Room”. The part about Celine Dion being a boss while also side-eyeing her May-December-of-next-year romance with former husband Rene was spot-on.
If you’re on the fence about watching, I encourage to check out the clip below. If you like it, then I’m pretty confident you’ll enjoy the entire special:
Familiar Faces:

Whilst the internet tells me Katherine has had a previous stand-up special on Netflix and was featured on NBC’s Last Comic Standing, I have never heard of her before now. She looks really familiar, but there’s definitely no way she’s familiar to me. Help me out, internet friends—who is her famous person doppelganger? (Previous comments on our former site said Heidi Gardner, which is exactly who I was thinking of!)
Couch-Sharing Capability: Medium
It depends. How progressive is your male friend/family member/husband, and how okay are they with cursing? Ryan wastes no time poking fun at fragile male egos, rampant sexism, and double standards. I don’t think she ever went into straight up male-bashing, but you know how much your uptight friend can handle. Your single friends who are sick of dating will be cheering Katherine on.
Recommended Level of Inebriation: What Time Is It?
Katherine’s daughter Violet believes that the time of day dictates what type of wine you drink (so precious), so take a look out your window and determine if you should be pouring yourself a day wine (white) or night wine (red). If it’s 5:30 p.m., well…then you’re screwed.
Use of Your Streaming Subscription: Decent
I won’t tell you this is the funniest stand-up I’ve ever seen, but I think Katherine Ryan holds her own amongst the other female comedian specials I’ve gotten to watch on Netflix (Ali Wong, Iliza Shlesinger, Hannah Gadsby, to name a few), so it’s well worth turning on when you want to crack a smile and chuckle knowingly.