Previously: Alaric is keeping Jo on ice and is planning to resurrect her, Lily’s family of Heretics slaughtered Deputy Matt’s graduating class, our friends compel the entire town to leave for their own safety, Damon decides that’s bananas so he and Bonnie kill Malcolm, and Enzo kidnaps Caroline for Lily as retribution.
What Went Down
Caroline managed to escape Enzo for approximately 1.2 seconds before Nora and Mary Louise got their claws in her. Damon tries to swap himself for Caroline so that Stefan will stop glaring at him with disapproval, but Lily is playing the long game with her two sons. Her game involves compelling Matt Donovan to take ownership of Chez Salvatore so that Damon and Stefan can’t enter, AND after our boys find themselves a way around that little snafu with the help of Bonnie and Matt, cloaking and/or moving Elena’s body, hoping that it will cause Stefan and Damon to turn on one another. Lily is proving herself to be a worthy opponent.
Meanwhile Alaric comes clean with Bonnie about the Phoenix Stone. She tests it for hidden magic and is slammed with visions of bloodied, screaming bodies, each with the “X” mark that we’ve seen on Beau (and on Stefan in flash forwards). CLEARLY this MacGuffin is bad news, but is that going to stop Alaric? Definitely not. He lies to Bonnie about destroying it, and instead places it upon the chest of dead Heretic, Malcolm. (At least I think it was Malcolm? His chest was all sewn up but it could have been that ghost-hunter kid from the opening sequence.) His chest jumps and Ric pockets the stone.
Enzo tells Lily that he’s there for her (and Her Business, one would assume), not to be another one of her “children”. GET IT, GIRL.
- That Blair Witch Project opener had me SCURRED.
- The flash-forward scenes with Newsroom Manager Caroline Forbes (YES) in Dallas: she’s clearly being hunted, she’s clearly engaged to someone OTHER than Stefan (or is this a red herring? Or could it be KLAUS?) and these scenes were clearly added to make the entire fandom IMPLODE.
- VALERIE. How interesting your character has suddenly become. So has she been nursing a 150-year old crush on Stefan? Does he even remember her? (Have they had any scenes together yet?)
Vamp of the Week: Caroline Forbes

Because only our Caroline could manage to give sound fashion advice while being strung up and vervane’d.
Hero Hair/Nefarious Grin

I wonder if there will ever be a week when Matt Donovan DOESN’T have the most heroic hair. He deserves a break, preferably somewhere with lots of white sand, pretty ladies, and cocktails adorned with cute, plastic flamingoes.

Lily is proving to be a very interesting villain, one who knows two of our heroes exceptionally well, and isn’t afraid to use that knowledge against them even though she’s their MOTHER.
Sound Bites
Damon: “She’s not a toy soldier…”
Lily: “…and Malcolm was not a vase.”
Damon: “Hello? Anybody burying somebody nobody cared about…?”
Stefan: “Caroline, haven’t heard from you, I’m starting to think that maybe you’re just using me for random hot make-out sessions…which I’m not entirely opposed to.”
Alaric: “I’m not going to pretend like my good looks are the reason this class is so full.”
Burning Questions
- Who is this mysterious Oscar? And what mission has he been on this entire time?
- Why was Bonnie assaulted with visions when she was trying to make Matt’s heart stop? Better yet, when will Matt stop letting all of his supernatural friends use him like a lab animal?
- Why do The Heretics want to live in Mystic Falls? You’d think after a century of being trapped together they’d be DYING to meet other people. Honestly, have they even thought this through?
About the Contributor:
Amanda Reid is an East Coast girl living in California who will never stop missing a true autumn. She’s a bookseller who specializes in kid and teen lit, and she bakes a damn fine pie.