Previously: Stefan is responsible for the new Miss Mystic Falls becoming a vampire, Bonnie asks Enzo to take The Cure, Caroline throws her engagement ring in Stefan’s face, and Damon is trapped in his own head while simultaneously burning in hell.
What Went Down
Bonnie and Caroline find a seemingly conscious yet catatonic Damon sitting in the middle of the living room. They try to enter his mind only to find that he’s literally roasting alive. Sybil offers her help (and by offer I mean that she bribes them into getting back the bell from Matt and his dad) and gets the girls into Damon’s mind via his subconscious.
Vicki Donovan! I really never thought I’d see you again, but I’m not surprised to see you never got out of Mystic Falls (in Damon’s mind, anyway). Was that too much shade? I never liked Vicki. Caroline and Bonnie try to figure out what the path of clues is in order to get to Damon, but no one is being helpful, least of all Sheriff Liz Forbes (AWW!). Caroline is so happy to see her, but Liz decides to haul her in for questioning after she throws vervane on her to prove she’s a vampire. WHAT IS HAPPENING. Stop ruining my happy place, show!
Bonnie decides to visit her Gram’s house. It’s so good to see Grams, y’all! She agrees to help her track down Damon, even though Bonnie telling her that she’s in love with a vampire nearly gives her a stroke. Bonnie kept the letter that Damon gave her all those years ago, before he decided to sleep until Elena woke up, and this letter eventually leads Bonnie to Damon. He recites the letter from memory, bringing Bonnie to tears, and promises not to leave her ever again. YOU GUYS. *sob*
But wait – Damon can’t have unconscious heart-to-hearts without Stefan, especially since Stefan WAS the one who turned Damon. Stefan agrees to visit Damon’s subconscious. Brotherly feelings are felt, and Stefan is super pissed. Caroline locks Stefan up in one of those handy Salvatore dungeon cells, determined to bring his humanity back.
Stefan was trying to open the LITERAL gates of hell for Cade, even if it means killing the sirens; he’s even compelled poor Matt Donovan to ring the bell twelve times to make this happen. Matt begs his dad to kill him; the whole town will be consumed with hellfire if those gates are opened, but Damon saves the day just in time! Too bad eleven rings was enough to let Cade through. He kills the ever-bickering sirens (FINALLY), and now it looks like Our Gang are really going to have their hands full – with the devil himself.
- I was NOT expecting to see Liz Forbes. This episode was a great way to bring back some old friends, if only for a while.
- Cade is so done with Sybil and Selene. Minions never learn, do they? You are the definition of expendable.
- UGH, that letter Damon wrote to Bonnie…!
Vamp of the Week: Damon Salvatore

There was an Oprah-level of sharing, vulnerability and forgiveness this week, and so much of it was prompted by Damon. Well done, sir. Well done.
Hero Hair/Nefarious Grin

Hero Hair: She got her moping BFF out of bed, saved Damon by forgiving him, and told her grams she’s in love with a vampire. Bonnie Bennett gets. it. done.

Nefarious Grin: This is for the pain you have caused and will cause, Cade. I can’t hate on you for finally squashing Selene and Sybil.
Sound Bites
Bonnie: “Pretty much all of my friends are vampires now. I’m even in love with one.”
Grams: “Bonnie Bennett, are you trying to kill me?”
“If I built a world in my own mind, I would make it a happy place, unicorns required.”
– Caroline to Bonnie
“He was the only person who truly understood how much it hurt to lose you. And as strange as it sounds, that made me forgive him for everything else.”
– Caroline to her mother about Damon in his mind
“Sweet gargoyle, bro.” – Stefan to Damon
Damon: “How you feeling, sport?”
Matt: “Like I just had my head rammed into a giant metal object.”
Damon: “Hashtag you’re welcome.”
“Dear Bonnie, I am a coward. I should be saying this to your face, not writing this letter, but I know if I do, you’ll talk me out of running away from all my problems. You’re going to make me face a future without Elena and you’re going to help make me the best man I can possibly be, the same way she did. And I’m absolutely terrified of failing you both. So I’m leaving because I’d rather let you down once than let you down for the rest of your life. And I hope it’s the happiest life because you, Bonnie Bennett, are an amazing woman, a mediocre crossword puzzle player and my best friend. With great love and respect, Damon.”
– Damon recites his letter to Bonnie
Burning Questions
Who else will we see before our show finally ends? I’m hoping for Lexi, Rose, and Anna. (I know, I know. Keep dreaming.)
Why does the bell ringing cause Bonnie pain?
Now that it’s been confirmed that Nina Dobrev will be in the finale, do we think it will be in flashback? Or some sort of dream? Or will Elena actually return?
Now that the sirens are gone, will Alaric bring the girls back to Mystic Falls? I miss those little peanuts.
Where’s Enzo? (I must know where Enzo is at all times.)
Only six episodes left…! And this episode did NOT disappoint. Come chat with me in the comments!
About the Contributor:
Amanda Reid is an East Coast girl living in California who will never stop missing a true autumn. She’s a bookseller who specializes in kid and teen lit, and she bakes a damn fine pie.