Fix: ’80s Rom-Com, High School Dance, Cult Classic
Platform: Netflix
Netflix Summary:
Tired of being an outcast, a nerdy teen offers his life savings of $1,000 to the most popular girl in school in exchange for dating him for one month.
FYA Summary:
Uber nerd, Ronald, offers to “rent” beautiful cheerleader, Amanda. He thinks that If she pretends to date him for a month, he’ll finally get to be popular. But just when it seems like she might actually like him, popularity may have changed Ronald for the worse.
Familiar Faces:

Patrick Dempsey as Ronald Miller
Before he was Dr. McDreamy, or Bridget Jones’ potential baby daddy, Dempsey was terminally uncool lawn boy, Ronald.

Amanda Peterson as Cindy Mancini
Head cheerleader, Cindy, is a legendary status symbol, but also secretly a romantic at heart.

Courtney Gains as Kenneth Wurman
You may recognize Courtney from the terrifying original Children of the Corn, or starring alongside Dempsey again, in Sweet Home Alabama. Kenneth is Ronald’s lifelong best friend, and fellow nerd herd member.

Seth Green as Chuckie Miller
It’s BABY SETH GREEN as one of the most irritating younger brothers to ever plague the decade.
Couch-Sharing Capability: Slumber Party!
Grab your pajama party crew, and your scrunchies, and get ready enjoy a spectacular sampling of ‘80s hair, fashions, and moves! Choreographed by Paula Abdul, so you know it’s the real deal.
Recommended Level of Inebriation: Solo Cups
Alcohol isn’t required, but it definitely can’t hurt. But drink responsibly. No one wants a repeat of the New Year’s Eve meltdown. And avoid red wine. I hear it’s hell to get out of suede.
Use of Your Streaming Subscription: Classic
Whether you’re old enough to remember this gem the first time around, or young enough to be working your way through the classics for the first time, this movie is a time capsule of mid-’80s nostalgia. Big hair! Bolo ties! Un-PC insults and problematic views on women’s sexuality! Okay, so we don’t look back fondly on everything. But this is a sweet movie at heart, about romance, and friendship, that’ll leave you doing the triumphant slow clap.