Drinks Taken: 16
Follow the whole rewatch here!
Last week, Felicity got a taste for student politics, and now she’s hungry for more! But (and I’m sorry, but what I’m about to say definitely fails the Bechdel Test), WAY MORE IMPORTANTLY than Felicity’s principles and stuff, I’d like to drink to the nuclear-level chemistry that’s going on with her and Ben this week!

The Felicity Drinking Game Rules
Drink once every time:
Felicity is endearingly earnest.
Ben smiles sheepishly.
Noel is adorkable.
Elena is a better friend than anyone deserves.
Meghan is mean and it’s awesome.
Javier butchers a word or figure of speech.
Richard freaks out (in a good or bad way).
Drink twice every time:
Felicity stresses you out.
Felicity says, “Dear Sally.”
Sean invents something.
Javier refers to Ben as “Benjamin.”
Onto the eps!

2.17 “Docuventary II”
Sean’s docuventary is back! Apparently IFC is interested in airing it, but they want some more “scope and context,” so Sean decides he’s going to ask everyone what they want to do with their lives. (“That question is my nightmare,” poor Ben mutters.) But as always happens with Sean and his docuventaries, instead he (this time with Richard as a very insubordinate assistant director) just ends up telling a series of hilarious stories about this wacky crew – and then mainly focuses on Felicity’s love life.
First: Sean interviews Javier, who gives the GREATEST QUOTES about the rest of our characters. Of Felicity, Javier says: “She’s optimistic and sweet, and she’s an autumn.” Of Elena: “She’s sassy! She rarely wears brassieres.” Of Julie: “Her butt is like a muffin.” Of Meghan: “She scares me to death.” Of Ben: “He’s not dumb at all, you know? He just comes off that way.” The original himbo with hidden depths!
Also featured in Docuventary 2.0: Elena and Tracy, being AS ADORABLE as humanly possible. Tracy gets Elena to open up about how much she dreams of being a doctor – and then teases her for baring her soul. He is the first guy who’s truly a match for her. And he says of Elena’s competitive streak: “She’s the one person who tries to prove herself to everyone, and in my mind, she’s the one person who doesn’t have to.” Dreamy!!
Also featured: Noel, who clearly still has feelings for Ruby, who’s heading back to Colorado to tell her parents about the baby soon. Noel loses the exams he’s grading as a TA and FREAKS OUT over it (you can see said freakout in the above photo), until Sean and Richard grandly return the tests they stole hoping for a big, emotional moment on camera. They get Noel’s wrath instead.
Also featured: Sean’s feelings for Julie. We’ll say as little about that as possible. Because also featured: Meghan, bargaining with Sean to show him around the dorm for $75. Sean is IMPRESSED with Meghan’s business acumen.
But the A-plot is clearly the new love triangle between Ben, Felicity and Greg. Ben’s SO JEALOUS and increasingly furious about Greg, and when he sees footage of Felicity and Greg on a very flirty date (captured by Richard and Sean in a hilarious Blair Witch homage), he looks truly depressed – and Sean seems to know it, and feels bad for him. We also see Ben finishing up his community service hours in a series of different jobs, including working in the administrative office. He spies on Greg’s student file, and finds out that he was arrested for cocaine possession two years ago. He goes to Noel with this information, and Noel gives very good advice: “We can’t overreact. She’s an adult, so we should probably stay out of it.” Ben follows this wisdom for a very short time, until he sees Felicity looking at Greg with heart eyes, and then he goes to Greg and tells him that he knows about the coke bust, and:
Greg goes to Felicity and tells her about the arrest before Ben can – and to his credit, he doesn’t throw Ben under the bus, and admits to Felicity that Ben was just looking out for her. But she still tells Ben off for looking into Greg’s student file, and he points out that he only did what she did to him last year, which is a very good point. Felicity said she only did that because she was in love with him. To which Ben replies:
SWOOOOOOON! Felicity has this look of dawning realization on her face, and it’s so hot and awesome. Sean, this docuventary rules! 4 stars!
How many times do I have to take a drink?
Whoa, Greg Got A Haircut
He still sucks, but this is a 100% improvement on Nighthob.

Javier Got The Opposite Of A Haircut
His rug is temporary, but I kind of love it?
Javier Sass
He cracks me up SO HARD when he says this about Julie:
I Mean, Can You Blame Him?
This HAT, gah.

Campus Security Ben
He kinda liked this job!

Ben and Noel continue to test the boundaries of their tenuous new friendship over their shared dislike of Greg.
Felicity’s New Old Job
There’s also this whole plotline that doesn’t really bear going into, but basically Felicity’s community service hours are also up, but she wants to keep working at the health center. There’s a newly opened position as assistant to the director, and Greg gives it to her because he likes her, over this guy Jim who deserves it. Felicity fights for Jim to get the job and she starts volunteering instead, because she has one million times more integrity than Greg.

2.18 “Party Lines”
Sean has decided to extend his docuventary filming to focus on Ben and Felicity. I believe this is in part to make up for the way he sabotaged them at the beginning of the season, because now he’s really doing his best to get them back together when he sees how head over heels Ben is. I appreciate this! And it’s working, too – “Party Lines” has some of the swooniest, dreamiest moments we’ve seen yet between Ben and Felicity. It is JUICY.
Greg’s running for student council president, and he asks Felicity to be his campaign manager. She’s honored, until she hears his platform and realizes that she disagrees with every single one of his beliefs, LIKE FOR INSTANCE: he wants to get rid of Affirmative Action, he wants to outlaw student street art and he wants to cut off school funds for student organizations. This little shit is a Republican! I knew I hated him. Leila from last week is also running, and she and Felicity are on the same page in every particular, so Felicity finds herself wanting to work with Leila, instead. Greg seems mad but tries to be cool about it – until Leila chickens out from the public speaking, and Felicity decides to run instead. Greg’s super mad and tries to tells her not to run like a bossy a-hole, making a VERY POOR contrast to Ben, who gives her the most supportive speech ever, making her (and us) swoon a little.
Also making Felicity (and the rest of humanity) swoon: Ben decides he needs some life direction if he’s going to win over Felicity, so he voluntarily goes to Pavone (swoon!) for some career guidance. A test suggests he’d make a good stockbroker, so he takes an internship (swoon!) and wears a suit hoping to impress Felicity, who barely seems to notice. But his main job at the internship is taking care of this stockbroker’s poor neglected kid, and Ben is SO CUTE with him, and teaches him how to play basketball and come out of his shell (swoon!). The kid hurts his finger during basketball and Ben takes him to the health center, and Felicity is finally SWOON CITY when she sees how adorable he is with the kid. Then Ben goes to Pavone and says he wants to volunteer for an after-school basketball program, and SWOON! SWOON! SWOON! SWOON! Pavone seems pleased.
Finally, there’s a Sadie Hawkins dance, and Elena and Tracy are sooooo cute in this plot. Elena takes too long to ask Tracy, and he’s sad that he’d already told some other girl yes. This other girl is named Lauren, and here’s what Elena thinks of Lauren:
But even still, when Tracy bails on Lauren for Elena, Elena tells him that’s not okay, and she refuses to go to the dance with him because of “girl code.” She kicks him out of the apartment for the 100th time, and he’s so cute and not at all ruffled about it. Half an hour before the dance, Elena surrenders and calls Tracy to ask him, and he happily accepts. They dance together and it’s clear they are CRAZY IN LOVE and it’s my favorite thing ever. (Oh also – Julie asks Noel to the Sadie Hawkins dance, which is kind of cute, and they have fun together.) But ALSO ALSO! Ben and Felicity are both at the dance with other people, Ben with Pam and Felicity with Greg, who apologizes and tells her he’s glad she’s running, but the damage is done, dude. It’s super obvious that Felicity is now as smitten with Ben as he is with her, as evidenced by their INSANELY HOT PUPPY DOG EYES, swoon swoon swoooooooooon:
How many times do I have to take a drink?
9 – so many sheepish Ben smiles!!
Richard’s Platform
Richard is also running for president, and he has the best platform ever. (BTW, you can pick up YOUR Free Pizza Fridays shirt at the below link!)

Best Meghanism
Meghan is unsurprisingly very Team Greg in this election, and she’s also furrrrrious at Felicity for first being his campaign manager and then for quitting.
Tracy has her FEELING THINGS
Sean’s Big Idea
A keyboard for people with only one hand, naturally.
That’s it for this week! My only real question is CAN WE PLEASE ALL COLLECTIVELY SQUEAL IN THE COMMENTS OVER BEN AND FELICITY!!! They are soooo dreamy in these episodes. I can barely handle it!
Meet Sarah here next Wednesday morning as she covers “Running Mates” and “Ben Was Here.” So lots more swooning is in store, in other words!