This month’s FYA Book Club selection is I’ll Stop the World by Lauren Thoman. Reading this timey-wimey mystery was like turning on one of my favorite, classic time-travel movies–its brisk pace and snappy writing kept me engaged and turning the pages, while the nostalgia hit in a thankfully non-saccharine way (like, some things may have only worked because no one had a cell phone!).

It’s a fun read, but still unexpectedly thoughtful at times, and I was surprised to find it stayed with me longer than I expected after I closed the back cover. I think you’ll have a lot to discuss!

Check out the discussion questions below! (Slight spoilers ahead.)

P.S. If you’ve already read the book, feel free to add any other discussion questions of your own in the comments!


If an actual time traveler had showed up when you were a teenager, do you think you would have helped them? What would they have to do to convince you they were the real deal?


1. What did you think of Rose and Justin? Did you like their characters? What did you think of their family situations (especially Stan!)?

2. While Rose and Justin are the main protagonists, there are a LOT of point of views (POVs) in this book. Do you think all of the POVs contributed to the story, or were there any you didn’t think were needed? What would the story have looked like without as many narrators? Did anyone’s POV surprise you?

3. Thoman never really tries to explain how the time travel mechanics in her story works. Does trying to understand the “logic” matter to your enjoyment of a time-travel story?

4. Fate–or the lack thereof in the universe–is a topic that comes up a few times during Justin and Rose’s discussions. Whose viewpoint did you tend to agree with?

5. What did you think of the 1980s vs 2020s settings? Do you think this story could have worked set in two other time periods?

6. Were there any twists that surprised you, or did you guess how everything would play out?

7. Bonus Question: Tell us your favorite time travel book or movie!

Stephanie (she/her) is an avid reader who moonlights at a college and calls Orlando home. Stephanie loves watching television, reading DIY blogs, planning awesome parties, Halloween decorating, and playing live-action escape games.