Cover of The Reunion by Kit Frick. Four teens, two guys and two girls, stand on a beach in freaky orange and brown colors.

About the Book

Title: The Reunion
Published: 2023
Swoonworthy Scale: -1

Cover Story: Is a Wire Plugged in Wrong or Something?
Drinking Buddy: Swim Up Bar
MCAA Rating: R (sexuality, violence, alcohol use, language)
Talky Talk: I Know Something You Don’t Know
Bonus Factors: Whodunnit, Resort
Bromance Status: Until Next Year

Cover Story: Is a Wire Plugged in Wrong or Something?

I really, really like the weird colors and the funky images of Theo, Mason, Addison, and Natalia. About the most bland title in the world, though.

The Deal:

Cancún, Mexico. Elizabeth and her twin kids, Addison and Mason, along with cousin Natalia, have arrived at an all-inclusive resort to celebrate Elizabeth’s engagement to Austin, who’s there with his son, Theo. They’re going to spend a week getting to know their new step-families, culminating with an engagement party on New Year’s Day.

But is all well? For starters, Elizabeth’s family comes from money. A lot of money. The grandparents, who are too old to party in Mexico, are bankrolling the trip, as well as supporting most of the family. Austin and Theo’s family is more middle class, and are kind of overwhelmed by all the spending.

And…Theo and Mason get off on the wrong foot, with Theo being an introverted gay guy, and Mason being a jock with anger issues. And for some reason, Natalia doesn’t want to talk to her cousins, with whom she used to be so close. And why doesn’t Theo think Natalia’s online boyfriend is real? Why did the grandfather’s first wife mysteriously vanish? Why did Mason get kicked off the hockey team? Did Austin really punch out a waiter once? Why is Natalia’s twelve-year-old sister Mia ditching Kids’ Kamp? Is Uncle Cory really dating that young hottie Holly, or is she just using him for his family money? Did some cult really kidnap some girls from the resort last month, and are they involved with the surfing school Mason is attending?

Oh, and who was the American minor whose mysterious disappearance from an engagement party is alluded to on page one?

Drinking Buddy: Swim Up Bar

Two pints of beer cheersing

This is a four POV book, and the voices were distinct. Theo is the peacemaker, who wants to get along with everyone. Addison is paranoid, hiding something. Natalia is withdrawn, devoting her time to her totally real boyfriend on the west coast. And Mason is just plain angry.

So which one of them them dies? And who did it?

MCAA Rating: R (sexuality, violence, alcohol use, language)

As most of the people in this book are related by blood or marriage, there is very little romance in this book. Theo’s boyfriend is not out at his school yet, and Natalia has never been in the same time zone as her boyfriend. Mason’s not seeing anyone…and he’s only meeting with Uncle Cory’s young girlfriend because of her skills as a life coach. Really. And young Mia is so angry about being the only kid left at the kids’ table…what is she willing to do to be accepted as an adult?

Talky Talk: I Know Something You Don’t Know

The author has the annoying habit of letting characters drop hints about things they know, but not sharing it with us. There’s a such a thing as foreshadowing, but this is deliberately screwing with the reader. Which kid ends up dead? What happened between Theo and Mason last month that angered Mason so much? What’s in the cigar box that Addison has hidden in her bag and is so desperate that no one discover? And what is ‘The Incident’ that Addison, Mason, and Natalia keep referring to, but not explaining? (and they all only call it ‘The Incident’) You can’t let everyone spill the beans in a murder mystery, but build up wasn’t worth the reveal.

Bonus Factor: Whodunnit?

Cast of the movie Clue gathered in doorway

The resort is more or less a closed community, so the murder is someone we must have met. A family member? An employee? A guest? A lot of people have secrets to hide, and I love mysteries where we know the guilty party is someone we already know. The final scene was quite satisfying.

Bonus Factor: Resort

A large beach house on a cliff overlooking the ocean

All you can eat and drink, pools, beaches, entertainment…pollution, income inequality, crowds, waste…you love them or you hate them. Elizabeth’s family is used to the lifestyle, Aaron’s is not. And when a kid shows up missing, presumed dead, how can the resort cover this up?

Bromance Status: Until Next Year

Can’t wait to get together with this author again. Hopefully over drinks.

Literary Matchmaking

Death On The Nile (Hercule Poirot #17)

Agatha Christy’s Death on the Nile is the original vacation mystery.

Lying in the Deep

Lying in the Deep by Diana Urban is also another death in paradise mystery.

Reader, I Murdered Him

Betsy Cornwell’s Reader, I Murdered Him is another unfortunate step family book.

FCC Full Disclosure: I received a free e-copy of this book from the publisher, but no money or drinks coupons.

Brian wrote his first YA novel when he was down and out in Mexico. He now lives in Missouri with his wonderful wife and daughter. He divides his time between writing and working as a school librarian. Brian still misses the preachy YA books of the eighties.