A gold knife cuts into a pearl necklace on a dark blue background.

About the Book

Title: Suddenly a Murder
Published: 2023
Swoonworthy Scale: 3

Cover Story: Ho-Hum
BFF Charm: Caution
Talky Talk: Mr. Green In The Library…
Bonus Factors: Secret Passageways, Diversity, Murder Mysteries
Anti-Bonus Factor: Jerks
Relationship Status: KIT

Cover Story: Ho-Hum

It’s…fine. The knife (potential murder weapon) and the pearls (they dress in 1920s clothes for the trip) are a direct nod to things in the book, but with so much talk in the story about this beautiful old house on the cliff, I would’ve loved to see like a great drawing of Ashwood Manor and maybe like little people at some of the windows. Even this alternate cover on Goodreads is a bit more fun.

The Deal:

Everyone has a reason to love AND hate Blaine, the most popular drama-nerd, rich-kid partier at school, which just means everyone had a motive for murder when he ends up dead partway through the best and most extra graduation send-off party.

Suddenly no one is allowed to leave Ashwood Manor, the ritzy and recently renovated mansion on a secluded island off shore. Was it the girlfriend, the girlfriend’s best friend, the valedictorian he was cheating with, his childhood best friend, the jock best friend, or the other rich kid who has excellent reason for hating Blaine’s guts?

Only time will tell…

BFF Charm: Caution

BFF charm wrapped in yellow "Caution" tape

Izzy, our narrator, was hiding her own reason for disliking Blaine (aside from the obvious things I could spot) for most of the book, so I was constantly torn between liking her but being wary that she might turn out to be an unreliable narrator and disappoint me by being a big ole murderer. But if you put that uncomfy issue aside, I did appreciate what else I saw of Izzy, who looked to be a loyal friend and sister who knows that high school is only one small part of the rest of her life.  

Swoonworthy Scale: 3

Izzy has spent a long time harboring a crush on Marlowe, the richest boy at school and also the most aloof, as he has reasons why he won’t party and socialize with Izzy’s crew. Yet he agrees to come to this week-long, exclusive house party in order to be close to Izzy…or so we think. (I’m starting to feel a lot like Phoebe going, “You’re going to be an aunt. Or—an uncle!” trying not to give anything away, haha.)

Talky Talk: Mr. Green In The Library…

I’ve struggled with many contemporary YA murder-mysteries in the past, so I tend to steer clear to save myself boredom, but the setting of this one called out to me, as I, too, love a good themed party, especially when it’s an all-expenses jaunt paid by your rich BFF, AND she orders everyone period-accurate clothing and accessories. Overall, I thought the book hit the mark more than it missed. The pacing kept me turning pages until I was done before I knew it, and the solution to the murder made sense and kept me guessing until the end. I had a theory as to what Izzy’s secret was, but I was definitely wrong and that pleasantly surprised me.

My biggest (though still fairly minor in the grand scheme of things) constructive criticism was the way the author switched from first person point of view for the present scenes through Izzy’s eyes to third person for the flashbacks, which encompassed all the characters’ POVs. It was a bit clunky in execution, and I feel like there was probably a different way to go about it that didn’t feel so jarring as the reader.

Bonus Factor: Secret Passageways

A wooden door surrounded by autumn foliage

Izzy and Kassidy, her BFF, are obsessed with this one silent movie from the 1920s that was filmed at the Ashwood Manor nearby, and it just so happens to be re-opening soon as a renovated museum with excellent attention to period-accurate details. I immediately enjoy a book more when there’s a fancy old house to explore, and bonus points when it has secret passageways, as this one does!

Bonus Factor: Diversity

Faces of all different races, ethnicities and genders.

Izzy’s background comes into play in a way I wasn’t expecting, and it’s always nice to see different perspectives come into play.

Bonus Factor: Murder Mysteries

Cast of the movie Clue gathered in doorway

Who doesn’t love trying to solve the mystery before it’s revealed? Was that a red herring? Was it a clue?? It’s always a mystery when you’re reading a new-to-you author as to whether or not they can pull off a successful / logical case.

Anti-Bonus Factor: Jerks

Bad boyfriend Warren from Legally Blonde making a weird face

Look, did Blaine deserve to die? Of course not. But no tears were shed on my part when he turned out to be the murder victim. I can’t get into it all here, but he was a pretty crap friend and boyfriend.

Relationship Status: KIT

Maybe our casual friendship that lasted throughout high school won’t be enough to make us lifetime friends in the future, Book, but you were always entertaining in the lunch room. Keep in touch, if only so I can live vicariously through your fancy lifestyle.

Literary Matchmaking

Suddenly a Murder

The Reunion by Kit Frick keeps with the “locked-in mystery” vibe as a group of people struggle to get along on vacation.

A Door in the Dark

A jerky friend dies under mysterious circumstances? A Door in the Dark by Scott Reintgen has more magic than this book, but it’s going to make you question what’s going on.

The Counselors

Disparate backgrounds and friends getting together for one last hurrah could also be The Counselors by Jessica Goodman.

FTC Full Disclosure: I received my free review copy from G.P. Putnam’s Sons Books for Young Readers. I received neither money nor peanut butter cups in exchange for this review. Suddenly a Murder is available 9/5/23.

Stephanie (she/her) is an avid reader who moonlights at a college and calls Orlando home. Stephanie loves watching television, reading DIY blogs, planning awesome parties, Halloween decorating, and playing live-action escape games.