Cover of The Night Hunt by Alexandra Christo: Illustration of a woman with long white hair and white eyes emerging from a portal. She has golden horns and wings made of tree branches.

About the Book

Title: The Night Hunt
Published: 2023
Swoonworthy Scale: 8

Cover Story: Montell Jordan
BFF Charm: Single White Female, Platinum Edition
Talky Talk: Hooked
Bonus Factors: Found Family, LGBTQIA+
Anti-Bonus Factor: Repetition
Relationship Status: Hoping and Wishing

Cover Story: Montell Jordan

It’s the perfect cover. I love everything about it. Throw a gorgeous monster on any book, and I will buy it. 

GIF from Montell Jordan's music video "This Is How We Do It"

The Deal

Atia is a powerful monster who feeds off of people’s fears. Mainly via nightmares, but sometimes her food container (human) is awake, and it’s a little sadistic but never deadly. Since this is a magical, mythological world, there are gods, and all gods forbid killing humans. Atia abides by this law mostly because she fears the consequences: curses bestowed by the gods are rarely good, and also because killing makes her feel bad. Who knew monsters had feelings?

Silas, herald extraordinaire and carter of souls for the gods, is sent to investigate Atia and her motives on Earth. But Silas has his own problems he’s trying to solve and many questions that need answers. It’s a good thing Atia might be the solution to it all.

BFF Charm: Single White Female, Platinum Edition 

Two charms because Atia is all things I want to be, and Silas is the friend you want to have when all hell breaks loose. 

BFF Charm with an image of the main character from the movie Single White Female

Atia is a badass with some powerful magic who loves her friends and would destroy anyone who would have them harmed. This monster is as loyal as they come, and as much as she tries to shut herself off from other monsters (humans included) and the world, she’s kind of a teddy bear when you get to know her. She’s like a teddy bear holding a knife but still a teddy bear. Also, her whole look is a fantasy lover’s dream. BRANCH WINGS? Come on.

BFF platinum charm

Silas is slightly more reserved with his feelings, but that’s reasonable when you understand his situation. His magic bestowed upon him from the gods makes him hella useful in a fight. Who wouldn’t want that kind of power in a best friend?

Swoonworthy Scale: 8

The romance was fantastic! I enjoyed Atia and Silas and the star-crossed lover vibe. There is a little back-and-forth banter between them, which is always appreciated; however, it did feel like instant attraction and love, which I get. Like, hey, being hunted and battling makes you long for that special someone, ya know? The romance did feel a bit rushed, but it was still sweet and more developed than other novels I’ve read.

Talky Talk: Hooked

Christo is a great writer. Her characters are believable, well-written, dynamic, and funny. Their world sounds magical and beautiful while still housing all human problems (greed and power are most relevant). There is monster lore, different kingdoms and realms. It’s a great escape from everyday life. Despite the novel’s fast pace, the ending was well-paced and gave a lot of closure, which everyone should appreciate.

Bonus Factor: Found Family

Characters Jen Jack and Grams from Dawson's Creek standing together

What a fun bunch. I enjoyed the dynamic between everyone in the group. Everyone brought something to the table, and it was lovely to witness the bonds forming between them all.

Bonus Factor: LGBTQIA+

Pride flag being waved in a parade

There is a sprinkle of it in the book (give me more!), but it’s a cute relationship that blossoms naturally and one you will root for!

Anti-Factor: Repetition 

It can’t all be good, right?! There was almost too much repetition from Atia and Silas about their motives. It was tedious with dual perspectives, but thankfully, the repetition petered out after the book’s first part.

Relationship Status: Hoping and Wishing

I just want more! I hope Christo develops more stories involving Atia and Silas and takes more time to get into the details of the world. I would follow this group into the underworld and back.

Literary Matchmaking

Lies We Sing to the Sea

Read Lies We Sing to the Sea by Sarah Underwood for more badass women taking on gods and monsters.

Unseelie (The Unseelie Duology #1)

Need some magic in your life? Check out Unseelie by Ivelisse Housman.

We All Fall Down

Looking for a more LGBTQ+ read? Try We All Fall Down by Rose Szabo.

FTC Full Disclosure: I received this book from Macmillan and have not received payment for this review. Don’t mind me just buying the rest of Alexandra Christos’ novels. The Night Hunt is out now. 

Amanda Bell (she/her) is a planner of events, reader (and listener) of books, a consumer of pizza and a crafter of all things! Propelled by caffeine and carbs – she found her love of reading again when she started a book club with her friends in 2019. Since then, books have consumed her life and her TBR pile is outta control. Amanda resides in Edmonton with her husband and daughter.