About the Book
- Pénélope Bagieu
- Alexis Siegel
- Genres:
- Contemporary
- Graphic Novels
- Translations
Cover Story: Turn Around, Bright Eyes
BFF Charm: Let Me Love You
Talky Talk: Easy Breezy
Arty Art: Ooh La La
Bonus Factor: Authors
Relationship Status: Summer Lovin’
Cover Story: Turn Around, Bright Eyes
As striking an image as this might be, it leans into the quirky, twee angle more than the actual story does. A wide-eyed reader, a jovial tea drinker, and a sly femme fatale aren’t exactly the roles of these characters, and the actual artwork doesn’t use as much bright, contrasting colours nor a colour scheme très français.
However, my favourite part of the cover is actually the back, which does make sense for shut-in Thomas.
The Deal:
Zoe works a crappy job as a product rep at trade shows, and she goes home every night to a crappy boyfriend. To say she’s in dire need of a change is an understatement. Enter world-renowned author, Thomas Rocher — or, rather, enter Zoe into Thomas’ life. As this new friendship cures Thomas of writer’s block, it also brings Zoe closer to uncovering a huge literary scandal.
BFF Charm: Let Me Love You

Stuck at a dead-end job with a deadbeat boyfriend, Zoe’s definitely going through a phase of, “So no one told you life was gonna be this way.” And once she starts hanging out with Thomas, she becomes self-conscious about not being as smart or well-read as his usual literary crowd is. But Zoe: you’re good enough, you’re smart enough, and doggone it, people like you! It’s never too late to make changes to your life — and girl, you’re only 22! Although who hasn’t had their moments of being young and overly dramatic? (Ahem.)
Swoonworthy Scale: 4
Since Zoe’s boyfriend is such a jerkface, almost anybody would be an upgrade — and, for the most part, Thomas is. Fortunately, Zoe ends up with someone who appreciates her for who she is.
Talky Talk: Easy Breezy
Against the backdrop of a brisk plot, Bagieu via Siegel has crafted distinct voices for her main characters. But given the macabre tagline and title (which isn’t actually a macabre reference at all), I was sort of waiting for the paranormal shoe to drop. Whether it does or not, I’ll leave that for you to discover.
Arty Art: Ooh La La
Bagieu depicts human features almost exclusively in black and white, and with occasional exaggeration like Zoe’s large eyes. Colour is employed carefully and deliberately: the drab despair of Zoe’s life with her boyfriend; the muted monochromacy of flashbacks to the start of Thomas’ career; and, of course, the vivid vibrancy of Zoe’s signature red coat.
And because these are all grownup characters and grownup relationships, there’s also a little bit of nuddy pants. Or, more accurately, nuddy shirts. But nothing worse than what half the population sees when they look at their nekkid selves (i.e., BEWBS).
Bonus Factor: Authors

Yes, working in publishing can be quite a pop culture cliché. But even without my proximity to the industry, I think I’d still be fascinated by the behind-the-scenes action. The focus here is mostly on Thomas’ writing process, and how he’s reacted to the adoration and criticism that comes with fame.
Relationship Status: Summer Lovin’
My time with this charming graphic novel just flew by; it was over before I knew it. We might not be together 4EVA, but I only have good memories of our brief courtship — a fondness that grows when I revisit the story, knowing how everything turns out.
FTC Full Disclosure: I received my free review copy from First Second. I received neither money nor froyo for writing this review (dammit!). Exquisite Corpse is available now.