About the Book
- Sarah J. Maas
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Voices:
- Cis Girl
- Straight
- White (Non-Specified)
Cover Story: Amateur Art
BFF Charm: Platinum
Talky Talk: Maastery
Bonus Factors: Paranormal Bonding, Superpowers
Anti-Bonus Factor: Too Many Cooks
Relationship Status: Member of the Court
Danger, Will Robinson! Heir of Fire is the third book in the Throne of Glass series. If you have not read the first two books in the series—Throne of Glass and Crown of Midnight—turn away now. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. If you have read the first book, however, feel free to continue below. I will refrain from major spoilers in my review, but there might be hints at plot points and details about the story.
Cover Story: Amateur Art
I have to come clean, friends: I don’t particularly love any of the covers in this series. I’ve tried to find nice (or nice-ish) things to say about each of them so far, and so far, it hasn’t been too hard to pick certain things about each cover to talk about. But this one … this one just makes me cringe. It looks like something a middle school art student might draw* when asked to draw their Dungeons and Dragons character. There’s something about it that screams amateur, and it doesn’t do any justice to the awesome story within.
*That said, it’s leaps and bounds better than anything I could ever draw, but I think you know what I mean.
The Deal:
Celaena Sardothian traveled to Wendlyn with two missions: One, from the King of Adarlan, to kill Crown Prince Galan Ashryver and his father, and the other, for herself and the wow she made Nehemia, to seek out Queen Maeve and learn more about the Wyrdkeys. And for two weeks, Celaena has studied Galan’s movements and figured out exactly how to get the job done. The follow through is the problem, because she’s also figured out that Galan’s a beloved and worthy ruler.
When she runs into Rowan Whitethorn, however, a member of Maeve’s court, she puts the king’s mission on indefinite hiatus and instead goes to the edge of Maeve’s dominion to make herself worthy of the Fae’s knowledge. This means reaching deep inside herself to awaken something—or someone—she’s tried to hide for nearly a decade.
BFF Charm: Platinum

Heir of Fire is the book in which Celaena Sardothian truly comes into her own, and that’s in no small part because she’s forced to revisit the terrible act that happened to her when she was young. Finally thinking about said act leads her on a path of healing, but also makes her realize that she’s been hiding from her “destiny” … and it’s time to act. Although it was hard to watch Celaena break herself down before she could build herself back up, it was vital to the progression of the series—and made our friendship that much stronger.
Swoonworthy Scale: 7?
I struggle with the relationships in this series. I have been Team Chaol since pretty much the very beginning, and get frustrated when Celaena deludes herself (my words, I know) that the two of them aren’t MFEO. The relationship that develops in Heir of Fire is certainly an intriguing one, but I’m pretty sure it’s not one that stems from True Love.
I could be wrong, I totally admit. We shall see.
Talky Talk: Maastery
Much like Heir of Fire is the book in which Celaena blossoms, this book is also the one in which Sarah J. Maas really hits her stride. The world she built in Throne of Glass and Crown of Midnight becomes even more fleshed out thanks to Celaena’s trip to Wendlyn, and the expansion of the subplot with Manon Blackbeak and her fellow witches. It’s such a rich and nuanced world, full of many fantastic and unique characters, and I look forward to every time I get to visit it again.
Bonus Factor: Paranormal Bonding

I am absolutely enamoured with the subplot surrounding the King’s Wyvern breeding program and the unique relationship the creatures have with the witches. There’s so much to the program, and so much that’s yet to come to light. I’m super excited to see where it goes.
Bonus Factor: Superpowers

Over the course of Celaena’s training with Rowan, she unleashes some serious power. It’s so fitting to her character, is utterly badass, and if the King of Adarlan isn’t shaking in his boots, he’s even stupider than we all thought.
Anti-Bonus Factor: Too Many Cooks

I trust that Maas will come to a satisfactory conclusion regarding the number of male suitors Celaena has in her life by the end of the series, and you know who I hope ends up the “winner” in the end (see Swoonworthy Scale), but the fact that she’s formed super serious bonds with three guys in the course of three books makes me roll my eyes a little.
(For a brief moment, I considered labeling this factor something else—I’m sure you can figure out what—but I decided to keep it classy.)
Relationship Status: Member of the Court
If I hadn’t made myself clear in our earlier meetings, Book, I’m 100% on your team. And I’m even more willing to pledge my loyalty now that I know how dedicated you are to changing the world for the better.
FTC Full Disclosure: I bought a copy of this book with my own money, and received neither a private dance party with Tom Hiddleston nor money in exchange for this review. Heir of Fire is available now.