About the Book

Title: Slumber Party
Published: 1985

The Deal:

Lara and the girls get together for a weekend of ski and slumber at Nell’s mansion. They haven’t all been together since that tragic night eight years ago…and now it’s happening… AGAIN.

Christopher Pike’s Favorite Literary Devices:

  • Arson
  • Creepy Siblings
  • Dream Sequence
  • Drugs
  • Faked Death
  • False Identity
  • Group Secret
  • Ouija Board
  • Revenge
  • Secretly Related
  • Villain Monologue

Can I Guess the End?

If you can’t guess the end of this book, raise your hand, and Tommy will come back there and hit you over the head with a tack hammer because you are oblivious.

How Fucked Up Is This Book?

It’s not even fucked up.

Does the Cover/Title Accurately Represent the Story?

The title and cover are both entirely prosaic, so yes, they are representative of the book.

Should I Read (Or Re-Read As an Adult) This Book?

Oh HELL no. Slumber Party is unbelievably tedious. It seriously took me WEEKS to finish the book, and it’s like 150 pages. I’d read a couple of pages and then just groan and throw it down. It’s also Pike’s first published novel, so I’ll give him a pass. Grudgingly.

FTC Full Disclosure: I received neither money nor cocktails for writing this review (dammit!). Slumber Party is available now.

Meredith Borders is formerly the Texas-based editor of Fangoria and Birth.Movies.Death., now living and writing (and reading) in Germany. She’s been known to pop by Forever Young Adult since its inception, and she loves YA TV most ardently.