Cover of Star Splitter, with two small figures standing on opposite sides of a huge chasm on a dark planet

About the Book

Title: Star Splitter
Published: 2023
Swoonworthy Scale: 1

Cover Story: Ominous Wasteland
BFF Charm: Destiny’s Child
Talky Talk: Whew!
Bonus Factor: Clones
Relationship Status: Thrilling

Cover Story: Ominous Wasteland

There’s a chasm between a small figure on the top of the canyon, and a small figure on the opposite end. You really get the loneliness of outer space in this shot. Though, Carver 1061c is supposedly lush, with purple frond plants and furry white mole-snake creatures, so I don’t know why they chose this barren landscape for the cover.

The Deal: 

Jessica Mathers, 17, is about to say goodbye to Earth and get reestablished on the Theseus, a ship orbiting planet Carver 1061c. Jessica’s parents are scientists who are eager to see their daughter, whom they haven’t met with in six years, when she joins them on the research mission. However, when Jessica wakes up on the Theseus, having had her body printed and scanned biodata inserted into her new consciousness, she finds herself alone, and when she ventures out, she’s not orbiting Carver 1061c, she’s actually ON Carver 1061c. 

It becomes apparent to Jessica that something very strange has happened in the nine days she was being printed in space, and then, to make matters worse, a familiar figure appears. Who is this other human? What are they doing there? Where are her parents and the rest of the Theseus crew? 

BFF Charm: Destiny’s Child

BFF charm featuring the members of Destiny's Child

Jessica, joined with her mysterious accomplice, has to venture out of the Theseus lander and try to find the habitat on this new planet, so she can contact the control center for rescue. On the way, she goes through many trials of the heart, and though she’s weary, she pushes on! What makes matters worse is that she doesn’t trust the familiar stranger she’s with. I admire her for continuing her journey, even after a few setbacks. As the liaison who sent her from Earth to the Theseus said, Jessica Mathers is the most prepared for space travel out of all the teens he’s met. 

Swoonworthy Scale: 0

WOMP WOMP!!! There is no kissing in space. Jessica has a crush on her best friend Avery, whom she left back on Earth, so there’s some wistfulness involved, but there’s not even a flicker of lust or passion in this book. Thrills only! 

Talky Talk: Whew!

Y’all, I had some chills reading this one. Kirby lays the story out as before/after the printing, so we see what happens on the Theseus before Jessica’s arrival, and after her landing. Each chapter made me want to read ahead. 

Bonus Factor: Clones

A still from Orphan Black, with four clones of the same woman sitting together by a fire

Because a person can’t legally be in two places at once, when a person is scanned and then re-established elsewhere, the reference body is put into stasis and destroyed. Basically, how people travel light-years away is by cloning and downloading the digital data scanned from their reference body. It gives new thought to what makes a soul. Pretty existential! 

Relationship Status: Thrilling

What went wrong on the Theseus?! This book gave me a mild creeping horror as the story unfolded. Nothing too egregious, but those with astrophobia may not want to read.

Literary Matchmaking

Scythe (Arc of a Scythe #1)

If you’re in the mood for another trip to a dystopian future, pick up Scythe by Neal Shusterman.

Illuminae (The Illuminae Files #1)

Return to deep space for another adventure with Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff.

The Loneliest Girl in the Universe

This is a pretty specific niche but if you want to hang with another girl set to help populate a planet, check out Lauren James’ The Loneliest Girl in the Universe.

FTC Full Disclosure: I received a free review copy from the publisher. I received neither compensation nor kittens in exchange for this review. Star Splitter is available now.

Scout Luna is a writer living in Austin, TX, with her husband and three cats. Her hobbies include water coloring and reading!