My Mad Fat Diary S3.E02 “Rewind”
We’re near the end, folks. Series 3 has just three episodes, and then it’s all over (until we rewatch again). Rae and her friends have been through so much, and now there’s only one thing left for them to do: go off to university. But not, of course, without a lot of drama first…
Let’s get a drink!
The Official FYA My Mad Fat Diary Drinking Game
Drink once every time:
Rae doubts herself
Rae compares herself to someone else
Rae’s diary includes a drawing of genitalia or swear words
Rae’s mum says something dorky but well-meaning
Karim manages to communicate how lovely he is
Drink twice every time:
Rae sasses Kester
Rae gets positive attention from members of the opposite sex (take a shot if she actually acts on it without overanalyzing)
Rae does something to set back her progress
You exclaim, “I love this song!”

3.1 “Who Is Stan Ford?”
Dear Diary
Rae’s got this whole teenager thing nailed! She’s working in a record shop, the gang’s all around, she’s dating Finn again (THANK THE LORD), and she is totally ready for A-levels. It’s the summer of 1998, and Rae hasn’t hurt herself in over a year. Life rules.
Oh, and Finn is getting his own apartment. So it’s totally okay that Rae screwed up her university interview. Because: SEX PALACE, with the boy who says he LOVES her.
Except that Rae didn’t actually screw up her university interview. She got accepted! And if she goes, it’s going to shake up this life she’s built. I get it, girl, change is scary. But listen to Kester. Listen to Finn. No, not the part about moving in with Finn (OMG WEENIE CONFETTI EVERYWHERE), the part about going to Bristol!
Also happening: Archie has a crush on Rae’s coworker, who is also gay! YAY! Maybe he won’t go off to university a virgin. And Chloe is wearing business suits to class and trying to become a respected member of the business community. (Oh Chloe, I love you, you little dork.)
In the end, Rae throws a party to celebrate her staying in Stamford…and Finn tells her he needs a break while she figures her shit out…
Then there’s a car wreck. Credits! CURSES.

Shittiest Teen Comment
“Sorry for my language.”
“What language?”
Awkward Mum Moment
Linda: “I’m so proud of my little chicken! She’s finally hatched! And turned into a beautiful swan!”
Aside from the mixed metaphor, this is the sweetest moment and I’m not crying, YOU’RE crying. Especially when Karim comes to congratulate Rae and gives her a chain that his father gave him, because he’s so proud of her. *sob*
Best Song of the Episode
Obviously Blur’s “Song 2,” which was positively inescapable. Although Radiohead’s “Talk Show Host” is a close second.
The Moment When We Are All Rae
Telling off the university interview panel, which was nothing short of a triumphal march…and then accidentally leaving her backpack behind.
Quotable Rae
Rae: “I love Shakespeare, I do. But Shakespeare doesn’t change my baby sister’s nappies. Shakespeare doesn’t turn the light on when I have a nightmare. And Shakespeare sure as shit doesn’t get a round in at the local…at least not mine.”

3.2 “Rewind”
Dear Diary
So that car wreck? Chloe’s parents are furious with Rae, Rae (wrongly) blames herself, and Chloe’s suffered serious injuries. She won’t be able to sit for her A-levels, so Rae, in her infinite teenage wisdom, decides she’ll sit for the exam and put Chloe’s name on it. Yeah, that doesn’t go so well: she’s found out. But at least Chloe forgives her.
Kester isn’t working at the hospital anymore, so there’s one major support system gone. Rae tries the next best balding older man: her father. But as you might imagine, he’s no help, either.
Finn wants the break to be over, but Rae doesn’t feel like she deserves him. NOOOO. Not this again! Worse, she walks in on her friend Katie in Finn’s apartment…in his bedroom.

A life changing test…and the bonus aroma of gym socks.
Shittiest Teen Comment
Rae: “Do you think the way I fuck things up all the time, I get it from you?”
Awkward Mum Moment
Rae’s mum is just pure maternal greatness this episode, not even awkward.
Best Song of the Episode
Gotta give it to Beck’s “Tropicalia,” which is a sweet piece of 90s ridiculousness.
The Moment When We Are All Rae
Oh, that soul-crushing feeling when you pour your heart out and find out the boy you love HAS ANOTHER GIRL STUFFED IN HIS ROOM.
Quotable Rae
On her father: “It was like seeing a ghost. A ghost that couldn’t be bothered to haunt you half the time.”
And that’s it for this week. Next week: the series finale. *sob* Will Rae ever find her happiness? Have you ever self-sabotaged the way Rae does, over and over?