Previously: Matt discovered that Damon killed Tyler, we discovered that Seline is the other siren, poor Georgie got herself killed by Seline, and Sybil is more determined than ever to secure Damon’s blind devotion.
What Went Down
Matt tells the gang about Tyler’s death and they gather to mourn the loss of their friend and contemplate how to go forward with Damon. Seline offers to watch Josie and Lizzie for the day, but really it’s because she has plans of her own for the littlest siphoners. She tricks the girls into performing a funeral ceremony for their dead goldfish, but really she’s burning up Georgie’s dead body in order to resurrect Cade. Yikes. This may also have something to do with the glass shattering at the Armory, and Sybil finally being able to escape.
Bonnie is holed up in a cabin with Enzo, trying to get him to switch his humanity back on, and it’s only after she makes him face his fear of abandonment that he finally flips his switch and saves her from the burning cabin. Bonnie is nothing if not relentless in her attempts to get her man back to himself, that’s for sure.
While our gang attempts to bury their lost friend, Damon is all kinds of inappropriate, rolling up being like, “Hey I totally dug Tyler’s grave for y’all, and I also dug a few others so that I can be rid of ALL of you once and for all!”, but Alaric senses that something is off (well, MORE off than usual) with Damon. He’s right. Damon is trying to sever all ties so that he can keep that pesky humanity of his pushed way, way down so he doesn’t have to feel all of the feelings. Stefan and Caroline manage to get him all shot up with vervane and seal him up in the Salvatore Crypt.
Matt Donovan is feeling all kinds of pressure to take up Tyler’s quest; turns out that Tyler was working for the Armory trying to track down Seline. As Matt sifts through the box of evidence Tyler’s collected so far we can only imagine how much Caroline is going to RAGE when she finds out that her nanny is a GD siren. Matt is feeling lost and overwhelmed, and his dad reminds him of just how brave and extraordinary he is. That’s why Tyler has entrusted him to finish what he started.
Alaric is worried because Georgie texted him to say that she needed to leave town for a bit. He’s not buying it, and when he finds out via her roommate that none of her things are missing Alaric’s suspicion deepens.
After Sybil escapes from the Armory she goes straight to Damon, compelling a poor groundskeeper to let her into the crypt and then feeding said groundskeeper to a very hungry Damon after she frees him.
The Gang gathers at the carnival grounds (is it always there, or is it just that time of year for the carnival to come rolling through..?) where Stefan gives an inspirational speech about how they all have to take each moment as it comes and cherish the good ones. He remembers sitting atop the ferris wheel with Elena and saying the exact same thing to her, and it’s kind of sweet to hear everyone say lovely things about Tyler. (Even I’m not cold-hearted enough to disregard their feelings for Tyler, even if he was The Worst.) Matt and Caroline catch up over pics of her girls, and that’s when Matt recognizes Hot Nanny as a Siren. Alaric and Caroline rush back to the house but the girls aren’t there, and they’ve left behind a drawing of the pair of them plus Seline and CADE.
- Bonnie really was ready to die to save Enzo. THESE TWO, I TELL YA.
- You thought Caroline had no f*cks to give about Damon before, but NOW? Whoa boy.
Vamp Witch of the Week: Bonnie Bennett

Love you, Bon-Bon. Your tough love and tenacity saved Enzo from his worst self, AGAIN.
Hero Hair/Nefarious Grin

Hero Hair: Having Tyler’s memorial at the carnival grounds was perfect, especially since Stefan included Elena in his Heroic Speech of Inspiration.

Nefarious Grin: Girl, I can’t even with you right now. I look forward to Caroline literally and figuratively dismembering you.
Sound Bites
Look, we don’t know what’ll happen next to any of us. But we can’t let that haunt us. We can’t let that make us forget what we mean to one another. – Stefan
Bonnie, you loved me more than anyone. That’s enough. – Enzo
I’m an expert at dealing with loss, you know? I started at a young age. – Matt, throwing his dad some shade
Stefan: I’m at a loss with Damon. I don’t know what to do with him anymore.
Caroline: Maybe the best thing to do is to mourn Tyler. We all owe him that.
Burning Questions
- Is this really the end for Georgie? What about her magical hell tattoo?
- Why does a siren need two magic-less witches with the ability to siphon magic?
- Will Matt Donovan be able to get through a single episode without exhibiting his trademark epic cry-face?
- What does Cade/The Devil want? What’s his endgame?
Y’all, when is Bonnie going to get her magic back? Those little girls are going to need a witchy older sister to help them navigate life!
About the Contributor:
Amanda Reid is an East Coast girl living in California who will never stop missing a true autumn. She’s a bookseller who specializes in kid and teen lit, and she bakes a damn fine pie.