Previously: Stefan was the rippiest ripper that ever did rip, Caroline Forbes had to put up with a lot of siren BS, and Matt Donovan and his dad had a bit of an AfterSchool Special moment.
What Went Down
Sybil askes Damon to come back to Mystic Falls and return the missing piece of the bell to her. Seems her hold on him isn’t completely gone because the Salvatore Brothers put on their Sunday Best and attend the Miss Mystic Falls Pageant.
Bonnie and Enzo are back from Paris! Enzo gave her a pendant filled with his blood because they both watched The Craft on loop with French subtitles in their hotel. Ok, so actually it’s because Enzo is scared of not being there to save Bonnie one day, and in case of an emergency she could drink his blood to heal herself. OR become a vampire.
Bonnie and Caroline meet with Selene, who pleads her case: she’s trying to get the bell back together so that she can kill her murderous sister. Bonnie and Caroline have better things to do, like corral teenage girls at the Miss Mystic Falls Pageant, but they’re keeping Selene’s words in mind.
Caroline is trying to herd cats at the pageant; she’s got to keep the Salvatores from killing any of the teenagers, and keep the teenagers on task. Which of these is the more difficult, I can’t say. She dances with Damon, trying to trigger clear memories of his dance with Elena all those years ago, but Sybil still has her claws in his mind. He finally manages to break free, but his humanity comes back in a tsunami of guilt and feelings. What this means for the final episodes, I honestly have no idea. Amanda Reid: Super Observant and Helpful.
Matt Donovan is on the hunt for the bell, and Sybil (or Selene? I can’t remember tbh) has compelled the police to attack him if he goes after the bell. It turns out that the entire purpose of Matt being on this show (besides being its beating heart) is to ring this bell. Sure!
Stefan is truly The Worst. When he shoved Caroline across the room I was ready to take off my earrings and grab the Vaseline. She ends up stabbing him, so I’m momentarily assuaged. He wakes up and tells her that he LOVES being Cade’s lackey, and he doesn’t plan on doing much else for the rest of time. Caroline throws her engagement ring at him, and that’s that.
- Again – all of this is coming down to a bell, y’all. A BELL.
- Are we gearing up for Vampire Diaries: The Next Generation with this new baby vamp? I mean….
- Enzo’s Hair: The Real Winner.
Vamp of the Week: Caroline Forbes

What she is not here for: Vampire bros who can’t get a handle on their humanity/emotions/feelings, etc.
What she is here for: Mentoring new baby vamps with an Oprah-like inspirational speech.
Hero Hair/Nefarious Grin

Hero Hair: Enzo tried to get a handle on his feelings, namely his fear of losing Bonnie, and seems to have accepted her not turning…but will he take The Cure for her?

Nefarious Grin: Ripper Stefan ruined the Miss Mystic Falls pageant with his lack of self-control, and turned some poor teenager into a baby vamp in the process. And then he abandoned Damon AND broke up with Caroline so he can go live that Ripper Life til the end of his days. I’m ready for the other Stefan to return.
Sound Bites
Caroline: You wanna know what I did after I became a vampire? I graduated. I went to college. I became a news anchor.
Dorian: How dumb do you think I am?
Seline: On a scale from Matt to Alaric, you’re right in the middle.
Seline: I sure am trusting you. With a weapon of terrible power.
Caroline: Well, I sure do love a weapon of terrible power.
Burning Questions
- If Bonnie DOES die and is brought back to life because she drank Enzo’s blood, is this a supernatural loophole that will allow Elena to awaken AND Bonnie to technically live as well? HAVE I SOLVED THIS CONUNDRUM??
- OR will Enzo take The Cure? (Wait, I thought The Cure was all gone?)
- Will Caroline ever be able to forgive Stefan? AGAIN?
Did anyone else think to themselves that none of this nonsense would be happening if Lexi was still around? #Lexi4Evs
Only seven episodes left…! Let’s convo below!
About the Contributor:
Amanda Reid is an East Coast girl living in California who will never stop missing a true autumn. She’s a bookseller who specializes in kid and teen lit, and she bakes a damn fine pie.