Number of Times Mom Would Have TOTALLY Made Me Stop Watching: 1
What Happened
Theon’s sister comes to Winterfell and tells him he’s made a huge tiny mistake and to stop being a twat. Our Robb finds out that Catelyn betrayed him and let the Kingslayer go while he was away, and has her put under guard for being stupid and meddling where she oughtin’. This also allows him to get it on nicely with his lady medic, without the watchful eyes of mommy judging him. Ygritte delivers Jon Snow to “The Lord of Bones,” I think his name was — a kind of portly dude aptly covered in bones — only to find out the rest of the rangers were all caught and killed looking for him. Ygritte convinces Skeletor, erm, the Lord of Bones, not to kill Jon Snow on account of him being Ned Stark’s bastard, so now they’re even. Arya names her third mark, Jaqen H’ghar to Jaqen H’ghar, and to get her to take it back, he agress to help her and Gendry escape, which he does, nicely. Daenerys whines about her dragons some more. King’s Landing prepares for war. Tonks lets Maester Luwin see her walking around Winterfell, so she can show him that she actually doubled back, and Bran and Rickon are hiding in Winterfell! Bran overhears them talking four feet away about how Theon killed a farmer’s whole family to pretend it was him and Rickon. This, obvs, fills him with guilt and steely resolve.
12-year old Jenny
General Impressions
I KNEW Theon didn’t kill Bran and Rickon! But man, Theon is in a pickle now. So I was confused by what Jon Snow’s captured captain was trying to suggest. Does he want him to escape, or does he, like me, think Jon Snow should become one of the Wildlings and then lead them? Poor Jon Snow. He’s so honorable and conflicted! Joffrey was acting like a twerp, as usual. I hope Stannis DOES kill him. Except that I’d feel bad for that wanton woman from Winterfell that Cersei is holding as a prisoner. But as for my FAVORITE part: Robb!!!!!!! And the lady medic!!!!!! Are in loooooovvvvveeee!!!!!!! Whoo-whoo!!!!! (Between you and me, I honestly can’t decide if I’d rather grow up and marry Robb or Jon Snow. Or Gendry.)
Number of times Mom would have TOTALLY made me stop watching: Well, just the one time, I think. And I’m really glad she doesn’t know I’m watching it, because even though I was a little shkocked and embarrassed that Robb and that lady medic got Totally. Buck. Naked, it was still really romantic. I hope they get married and don’t die!
Adult Jenny
General Impressions
Okay, the wizards in the tower are totally going to magic-grow Daenerys’ dragons. Just had to get that thought out there. Anywho, I’m beginning to think that Theon’s adviser-guy has actually been setting him up all along, because dude has just been making one bad call after another. Our Robb, meantime, is proving yet again what an awesome king and all-around good guy he is. I loved the scene with him and his lady-medic, who will hopefully be the future Mrs. Our Robb. I have a feeling that might be the last of the happy times, considering Catelyn’s betrayal. I fear for the king of the north. Poor Jon Snow. He’s not the sharkpest Stark in Winterfell. And what, exactly, is the significance of the package that Sam found?!! I’m really, really glad that Jaqen H’ghar didn’t die carrying out Arya’s deaths, because that guy is just awesome. Loved that whole scene, and now Arya and Gendry are free! Along with Hamloaf, or whatever that kid’s name is. He needs to stop whining and man up. I’m afraid he’s going to be a liability.
Best Scene
Oooh, I think it’s a 3-way tie tonight. Because I loved the chemistry between Our Robb and the lady medic, with his sweet “I don’t want to marry the Frey girl” and her “I don’t want you to, either, but I’m sure it will be a beautiful bridge” or whatever it is she said before they took all of their clothes off. Our Robb obviously should have locked Catelyn up earlier…
AND the scene in which Cersei thinks she’s gotten Tyrion’s whore, and he plays along only to collapse at Shae’s feet when he gets back to their room, showing us how vulnerable he really is, and that he actually does love her, whether we can understand why or not. She better not betray him.
AND the scene between Arya and Jaqen H’ghar. When he, at last appears after she had been looking for him, and she asks where he’s been, his reply of “A man has patrol duty” was HIlarious! Then, of course, Arya is a genius and names him as her third mark, just so he’ll actually help her escape, and finally, when he agrees, but tells her she must listen to him, she responds with, “A girl will obey.”