Since every aspect of our site was getting a major overhaul, we obviously had to make big improvements for the heart of our community: the FYA Book Club!

You’ll always be able to access the FYA Book Club page in the menu bar (desktop) or dropdown menu (mobile) at the top. From there, you can find info on the current monthly selection, as well as all the upcoming picks that have been announced.

To find an FYA Book Club, you can use our handy-dandy map or go directly to the meeting info from the link at the top of the FYA Book Club page. This is where you can find info for all of our active chapters. (FYI: Pink map markers indicate new chapters!)

For more book club goodness, you can always check out the latest in The Clubhouse. We’ve also partnered with the YALit subreddit, where you’ll find the monthly discussion questions for our FYABC pick.

Hope to see you at an FYA Book Club meeting!

Mandy (she/her) lives in Edmonton, AB. When she’s not raiding the library for YA books, she enjoys eating ice cream (esp. in cold weather), learning fancy pole dance tricks, and stanning BTS. Mandy has been writing for FYA since 2012, and she oversaw all things FYA Book Club from 2013 to 2023.