Cover of The Hunting Moon, featuring a bird skeleton with wings made of flowering vines

About the Book

Title: The Hunting Moon (The Luminaries #2)
Published: 2023
Series: The Luminaries
Swoonworthy Scale: 6

Cover Story: Still Death
BFF Charm: Heck Yes
Talky Talk: (Not) Nightmarish
Bonus Factors: Not a Bridge Book, Mysterious Loner Dude
Relationship Status: Still Excited

Red alert! The Hunting Moon is the second book in the Luminaries series. If you have not read the first book in the series (The Luminaries), man your battle stations turn away now, as there might be spoilers in this review. If you’re caught up, however, feel free to continue below.

Cover Story: Still Death

I really love the macabre beauty of this series’s covers, and this is no exception. The juxtaposition of life and death is a perfect representation of the book’s contents and the relationship between the Luminaries and the nightmares they battle in the Hemlock Falls forest.

The Deal: 

Winnie Wednesday is thisclose to getting everything she’s wanted for four years: to become a Luminary hunter and to be welcomed back into Luminary society along with her mother and brother. So she’s not sure why she feels the way she does, like the success isn’t actually what she wanted after all. No one believes her about the Whisperer. She has no idea why her dad sent her clues about him being framed in birthday cards, and she doesn’t know why her mom would keep them hidden away in the attic. And then there’s Jay … Ugh, Jay.

Winnie isn’t sure what the future will hold, but there’s plenty to figure out in the meantime.

BFF Charm: Heck Yes

BFF Charm Heck Yes - sparklier and shinier than the original BFF Charm

Although Winnie’s a bit more uncertain about herself in The Hunting Moon, thanks to the many uncertainties she’s facing, she remains a super cool person who I’d love to be friends with. (And I wouldn’t have shunned her as an outcast for four years, Luminary societal rules be damned.) She’s clever and witty and even when she feels so overwhelmed she wants to just curl up in a ball under covers and let the world pass her by, she is willing to do what it takes to find out the truth. And stand up for those she loves.

Swoonworthy Scale: 6

The relationship between Winnie and Jay is a slow burn, but Dennard doesn’t stretch it out too long (and make it annoying rather than exciting). There’s the right amount of heat building while Winnie’s working toward the truth, and she comes to some realizations toward the end that ratchet up the swoon.

Talky Talk: (Not) Nightmarish

The world of Hemlock Falls is a strange and mysterious place that also feels familiar. It’s a small town filled with small-town problems and people with big personalities. The fact that some of their problems revolve around nightmarish creatures stalking the woods at night, a werewolf on the loose, and maybe some witches hiding amongst the Luminaries are certainly different from those of any small town I’ve known, but I can’t be 100% sure that a place like Hemlock Falls doesn’t exist somewhere in the world. (There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio …) 

Additionally, along with the excellent worldbuilding, I love the wit that shines through in Dennard’s writing and her lovely descriptions.

Meanwhile, far at the edges of what she can see, Winnie spots the lights of downtown, twinking and warm. Little promises that you can be safe there, that the forest can’t get you if you’ll only step inside.

But none of them can be trusted. They’re just swamp fires pretending to be fairies, and they’re even worse liars than Winnie is.

Bonus Factor: Not a Bridge Book

A stone bridge over water with a big red X marking it out

Although it’s the middle book of a trilogy (I think), The Hunting Moon doesn’t just serve to bridge the gap between them. It’s a solid story in its own right and even ramps up the action and suspense, leading to continued anticipation for what’s to come. There’s actual plot progression and character growth. Can you imagine?!

Bonus Factor: Mysterious Loner Dude

Jordan Catalano, a hot brooding stoner, in My So-Called Life

Jay Friday continues to rocket up the rankings of my personal MLD Hall of Fame. I couldn’t care less that he has secrets.

Relationship Status: Still Excited

I have been waiting for our second date since the moment the first ended, Book, and it didn’t disappoint. We’re really good together, and the chemistry just keeps building. I can’t wait to see where our third date takes us.

Literary Matchmaking

Truthwitch (The Witchlands #1)

If you want more of Dennard’s writing, definitely check out her Witchlands series.

Legendborn (The Legendborn Cycle #1)

Tracy Deonn’s Legendborn Cycle revolves around a very different magical system, but there are similar creatures of the night that the main character has to battle (and a swoony MLD, too).

Ninth House (Alex Stern #1)

Leigh Bardugo’s Alex Stern series, starting with Ninth House, is another that features secret societies who cross paths with paranormal creatures.

FTC Full Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from Tor Teen, but got neither a private dance party with Tom Hiddleston nor money in exchange for this review. The Hunting Moon is available now.

Mandy (she/her) is a manager at a tech company who lives in Austin, TX, with her husband, son, and dogs. She loves superheroes and pretty much any show or movie with “Star” in the name.