Previously: Bonnie went Full Hunter on her friends AND her beau, Damon gives good advice, and Caroline starts to thaw towards Stefan.
What Went Down
Bonnie has taken control of Matt’s police truck and she is barreling towards Stefan and Caroline, which ends in Matt swerving them off the road to avoid hitting them. Bonnie is totally fine, but Matt has a busted and bleeding leg, so of course she leaves him behind because being a Hunter means being a giant jerkface.
Damon and Enzo are figuring out a way to get into The Armory so they can kill Original Shaman Dude, hopefully destroying the Hunter’s Curse. Damon tries to explode his way through, but when that fails he suggests using the Tiniest Siphoners – Lizzie and Josie Salzman – to absorb the magic. You can imagine how on board Caroline is with that idea.
Damon and Enzo split so that Enzo can lure Bonnie away from Damon as he works on getting into The Armory. Bonnie almost kills Enzo and it’s DEVASTATING. He’s already forgiven her and this show is SO CRUEL. Caroline and Alaric agree to let their girls siphon since the alternative – Caroline being on the run forever – is too awful to consider. Damon finds his way into the vault, sets OG Shaman Dude ablaze, and Enzo doesn’t die and Bonnie is no longer a vampire-hating hunter! Win! All the smooching!
Alaric is done kidding himself about Caroline no longer having feelings for Stefan. He tells her that she deserves happiness, that the four of them will always be a family (aww), and it’s such a deeply loving moment between these two.
The Great Evil lurking in the vault tricks Damon by using Elena’s voice (come ON, Damon, this isn’t amateur hour!) and he travels deeper and deeper inside. Enough time passes that he doesn’t come out and Enzo goes in. Just when Bonnie thought she had her bestie and her man back, they disappear (literally – how did they get out??) and take up murdering people and hanging them on meat hooks. I guess that answer’s the question of who our Big Bad for season eight is!
- Bonnie didn’t get her powers back. This is NOT good.
- Penny appearing to Matt as he’s trapped in his car, because he really did need her forgiveness and permission to continue living.
- That scene with Bonnie trying to kill Enzo..! I mean has anything more romantic ever been put to celluloid?
- Steroline is back ON, y’all!
Vamp of the Week: Damon Salvatore

Damon had a lot to make up for, and he really knocked it out of the park – especially when it came to hearing Stefan’s words about how all of his decisions are fear-based. This Keepin-It-100 moment reminded us of why The Salvatore Brothers will always be the true heart of our show.
Hero Hair/Nefarious Grin

Hero Hair: I couldn’t do it! I couldn’t pick just one! Everyone had their Hero Hair on this week: Stefan for respecting Caroline’s decisions and for giving amazing brotherly advice, Alaric for letting Caroline off the hook while still promising to be part of her family, Bonnie for trying so hard not to kill everyone, Matt for helping Bonnie even when it means putting himself in harm’s way, Caroline for agreeing to use her daughter’s abilities to save her friend from herself, and ENZO for being so loving and so self-sacrificing that my heart FILLED.

Nefarious Grin: Who are you, Unspecified Force of Evil? And what’s your deal with meat hooks?? I guess the writers have a while to figure that out, so we’ll see you in October!
Sound Bites
Alaric [to Caroline]: You changed my life, you know that? You completely turned it around. And for that, i will always love you even though I know you don’t love me the same way.
Alaric: No matter what happens, Caroline, you, me, the kids, we’re a family. We will always, always be a family.
Stefan: Well, this looks promising.
Damon: Eh. I’ve seen worse.
Bonnie: If you think this means you’re forgiven…
Damon: I am SO forgiven!
Burning Questions
- Where is Matt Donovan headed? To another CW series perhaps?
- Is Rupert Giles available for a cameo? Our friends are going to need ALL of the librarians to help them figure out how to defeat this Unnameable Evil.
- Will Bonnie ever NOT suffer??
WELL. That certainly gives us a lot to chew on over the summer. What did you guys think of the finale? Come dish with me in the comments!
About the Contributor:
Amanda Reid is an East Coast girl living in California who will never stop missing a true autumn. She’s a bookseller who specializes in kid and teen lit, and she bakes a damn fine pie.