Previously: A great evil was let out of the Bunker of Doom at The Armory but Bonnie sealed everyone inside before it could escape. Rayna gave up her last life for Bonnie, but in a twist that EVERYONE should have seen coming Bonnie is now a vampire hunter. And Matt found out that he was actually the cause of his Penny’s death, but he’s still going to blame Stefan FOR NOW.
What Went Down
Enzo and Caroline both try entering Bonnie’s unconscious mind; she’s trying not to wake up and kill all of her friends, which is kinda big of her tbh. Neither are successful and it’s SO sad. Damon finally pulls out the big guns and pisses her off so much that she wakes up. See? Damon is good for a LOT of things: stirring the shit, excellent booze, eyebrow waggling, etc.
Caroline sends Alaric back to Texas to be with their daughters, so when Bonnie marks her, Stefan vervanes her so that they can go on the run together. Caroline makes it pretty clear that she’s none too pleased, but eventually realizes that she would only put Ric and the girls in danger if she returned home. Something tells me that Caroline Forbes, Master of Grudge-holders, may eventually find her way to forgiving Stefan, especially now that she’s finally had the chance to tell him how much he broke her heart. CATHARSIS.
Bonnie agrees to let Matt help her hold on to her humanity on one condition – she wants to kill Damon. (She’s still mad that he left her to nap for three years. Like, REALLY mad.) Matt agrees…or DOES HE? Sheriff Donovan, Enzo and Damon planned all along to get Bonnie chasing Damon. Matt drugs her and piles her into his truck, hoping to get her as far away from their vampire pals as possible while Damon and Enzo work on finding a way to break the curse.
- Caroline mentioned that Klaus is AWOL! Oh Future Klaus, what nonsense hast thou wrought??
- Damon begging Bonnie to forgive him = feelings overload.
- Damon and Enzo are going to take on The Great Evil at The Armory?? How are they going to pull this one off?
- That fake-out opening scene with Bonnie TAKING OFF CAROLINE’S HEAD. WTF SHOW?
- Bonnie’s about to get all Fury Road on our vampire pals…!
Vamp of the Week: Damon Salvatore

Damon was an excellent giver of advice to Stefan re Caroline, and he really put everything on the line to try and save Bonnie; his own life AND his chance at a future with Elena again. Your eyebrows get all the gold stars, sir!
Hero Hair/Nefarious Grin

Life is just SO much better when Matt Donovan Does the Right Thing.

I know you’re not yourself right now, girl. I know this. But you have GOT to fight harder! Would it help if we brought back Tyler to satiate your bloodlust? Because I would be ok making him the sacrificial lamb.
Sound Bites
I’m sorry. I must have the wrong number because I dialed ‘H’ for ‘Hero.’- Damon [to Stefan]
I have always wanted to be loved by someone in the way that you loved me. And I would rather have these memories than a future where I destroy them. – Bonnie [to Enzo]
Take it from the guy who supposedly got it all and is sitting with bubkis. Stop moping about who you are not and start being the guy you are. – Damon [to Stefan]
Hey, now that you’re in charge, I just wanna say thanks. I’ve actually got a pretty good track record with the sheriffs in this town. – Damon [to Matt]
Burning Questions
- They kept mentioning Bonnie’s magical link with Elena’s life, so I’m wondering if Elena will have anything to do with severing the Hunter’s curse? A Nina Dobrev cameo, even if it was just in Bonnie’s mind, would be AMAZE.
- Again I ask – HOW in the world do Enzo and Damon think they can take on this evil force at The Armory?? This isn’t Katherine, or even an Original, this is SERIOUS DEMONIC SERIOUSNESS.
- How long before Ric realizes he needs to reactivate his OK Cupid account?
Y’all I am SO nervous about Damon & Enzo’s Excellent Adventure to The Armory next week..! What are your thoughts on how this whole mess is going to resolve? Come dish with me below!
About the Contributor:
Amanda Reid is an East Coast girl living in California who will never stop missing a true autumn. She’s a bookseller who specializes in kid and teen lit, and she bakes a damn fine pie.