The Slayer has Damon tied up to a tree while he roasts a rabbit or sommat, and Damon is awesome *Drink!* with his joke about flawless skin. The slayer *I think* tells Damon he should start talking, but it sounds like “fuckin'”, so I’m not sure.
Elena calls Caroline and tells her about the sitch, and Rebekah and Stefan debate whether Klaus would give up something that they need. The sword, I think, but I’ll be honest, I stopped at a brew pub on the way home, and they have these beers that are, like 9% alcohol, so there’s a possibility that some things are going to go over my head. Anyway, Caroline doesn’t ask Klaus where the *sword* is, but decides she’ll find it on her own.
Meanwhile, the white dreadlocked guy leads Bonnie, Jeremy, and PSS to SOMETHING, and demands payment. PSS gives him the tombstone.

Tyler and Caroline bring the sword to Klaus, and talk about the symbols that are on its hilt. Apparently, it’s written in Aramaic, which Tyler knows nothing about. Clearly, he was not raised in a cult-like church, or he’d know that most of the Bible was written in Aramaic.
Stefan and Elena talk about the race for the cure, and what the cure would mean for each of them, while Rebekah purses her lips and watches.
The quite cute Slayer tells Damon what’s going on with the cure, while Klaus explains things to Tyler and Caroline. I’m a little fuzzy on what they’re saying. I should really come straight home after work. Also, did I mention that the slayer and Klaus are both pretty handsome? Oh! There’s only one dose of the cure!!! Of COURSE there’s only one dose. Even I’m not drunk enough to miss that.
Bonnie and Jeremy are rappelling down into the well. Jeremy is worried about the expression and its affects on Bonnie, but she’s totally cool. Except that one of them is bleeding, and it drips down into the well and onto what I think is a mummified corpse.

Klaus helps Tyler and Caroline translate the script for the cure, and he and Rebekah are awesome *Drink!* on the phone with each other. He tells her there’s only one cure.
Turns out, there’s someone else on the island, because the increasingly cute slayer — who kind of looks like Charlie Bewley, don’t you think? — hasn’t been the one saving everybody from the slings and arrows.
PSS digs around in some dust to indicate that they’re on the right spot, and Rebekah pretends not to have heard that there’s only one cure. PSS and Jeremy cheer Bonnie on, as she performs a spell that involves her feeling up Jeremy’s naked chest, and pulling the power of his tattoos into her. It’s highly erotic, and holy crap! Shirtless Gilbert! *Drink!* George: Of course the spell involves touching Jeremy’s naked chest. Of course it does.
Rebekah confesses to Stefan the whole thing about how there’s only one cure, and asks him if he had the choice, if he’d just give it to Elena. He doesn’t answer, so she stakes him.
Jeremy regrettably puts on his shirt as he and Bonnie follow the next clue. Also, PSS has apparently broken his leg. How did that happen? Did I miss something by being tipsy? Anyway, they are not moved by his pleas for help.
The slayer tortures Damon some more and they talk about his friends, while Elena talks to Stefan about how she’s not sure the cure was for her anyway, because it’s important to accept who she is now and live the rest of her life. That is the moment that they realize that Klaus is only bound to the house for a couple more days, and if they don’t ram the cure down his throat, he’s probably going to kill them all as soon as he’s free form Bonnie’s spell. Flash to Caroline and Tyler freaking the eff out about the very same thing. Caroline thinks she can fix everything.

Rebekah shows up where the handsome slayer and Damon are, and the slayer explodes some sort of stake mine on her. Then he shoots Damon with the same thing, but Stefan and Elena show up to save him.
Jeremy and Bonnie are still searching the caves, and Bonnie sees her Grams “Hey, HEY, hey!” who tells her to find Silas and feed him. Feed him… Hmm… Ominous. Jeremy seems to think the same thing, because he interrupts and tells her how he’s the one’s who’s real, to listen only to his voice. George: Remember my naked chest, Bonnie, remember my naked chest.
Caroline tells Klaus that he can’t kill Tyler, but he just asks her if she’d take the cure if she could. Of course, we all know that Vampire Barbie is awesome, and she wouldn’t want to go back to the way she was. She asks him to show Tyler the mercy that she would show him, so we think Klaus is going to give Tyler a reprieve before he tells her that as a concession, Tyler can have a head start before he kills him.
Stefan finally pulls the bomb thing out of Damon, and he tells Stefan to get his ass down the well and help Elena get the cure, because she only needs one of them. Stefan leaves, but then Damon has a sad. *Drink!*
In the well, Elena is hearing and seeing things, and I’m pretty sure it’s her mom or something, but when she turns to see who it is who’s calling her name, she says “no” and attacks.
Tyler and Caroline are sitting together on a porch swing, and Tyler promises that this isn’t goodbye, but they’ll find a way to be together. She wants him to promise that if they can’t, that he’ll move on, and live a full life without her. It’s very sad. *Drink!* For real. I’m not being sarcastic because I want her and Klaus to get together. I can get behind her love for Tyler in this teary moment.
Stefan finds PSS, who begs him for help — really, how DID he get hurt? It seemed like one minute he was fine, and the next he was lying on the floor of the cave — but Stefan’s pretty much like ,”how does it feel to want?” and leaves him to visions of his dead wife, who tells him that everything is actually just fine.
Bonnie and Jeremy arrive at the desiccated tomb of Silas, which is really quite impressive-looking. Jeremy tries to remove whatever it is that Silas’s corpse is holding in his hands, but it’s not too forthcoming. And of course, Bonnie realizes at that moment the only way to get the cure is to wake up Silas, and the only way to do that is to feed him their blood.

Damon has been picking out stake shrapnel from Rebekah’s body until she wakes up, and she teases him about how selfless he’s been. Meanwhile, as Jeremy and Bonnie are still trying to figure out what to do, the handsome slayer comes up and stabs Bonnie in the back! He’s pretty sure that the only thing that’s going to happen here is waking up Silas. Jeremy is, understandably, upset about Bonnie, and starts fighting the handsome slayer, who — just to be fair — did say he was only raising Silas to kill him. Anyway, the handsome slayer beats Jeremy pretty badly, and is going to kill him, but then Elena comes to the rescue! Jeremy reminds him about the slayer’s curse just before she kills the handsome slayer, so she just knocks him out. I think.
Klaus joins Caroline out on the porch, since Bonnie is all stabbed now, and the spell holding him has been lifted. He tells her that he’s shown kindness and pity all for her, and then leaves her standing there, looking sad. *Drink!*
Stefan follows a trail of blood… to find Elena!!! OMG!!!! Is Katherine back?!! I’ve been missing Katherine for so long, but if this is what she comes back and does, NEVERMIND! WTF?!!! Meanwhile, the Elena who’s with Jeremy is not so interested in fixing stabbed Bonnie, and slices Jeremy’s wrist, and then rips open his neck for a second, and FEEDS HIM TO SILAS!!! And Jeremy falls to the ground, lifeless, with his eyes open, and OH MY GOD, WHAT THE EFF??!!!! Jeremy can’t be dead, can he?!!!
Oh my god. Okay. What do you think?