Previously: Damon, Stefan and Enzo agree to get through Rayna’s kill list so that she’ll give her life to Bonnie, Stefan turned up on Caroline’s doorstep and it was HELLA AWKWARD.
What Went Down
Virginia St. John spills the beans re: What’s In The Tomb – and it’s not good. Whatever is inside it can take away a person’s empathy in a matter of seconds, turning them into a psychopathic monster. Bonnie promises not to open it, and we all know that’s not how our show works.
Damon has partnered up Stefan with Matt Donovan (ouch) so that they can get through the kill list faster, and Matt FINALLY decides to tell Stefan why he hates him so much now. His dashboard cam has footage of Stefan compelling Matt to forget everything that happened the night that Penny died, so Matt is convinced that Stefan killed her. (It’s SO much worse than that.)
Rayna agrees to give Bonnie another dose of her blood since the cloaking has worn off. Enzo is super upset and worried about her, and Bonnie realizes that they are NEVER going to get through her list so she asks him to come home and spend her final moments together. TEARS.
Caroline and Alaric have also been enlisted to help with the kill list, which leads to some real talk about Caroline’s unresolved feelings for Stefan. Alaric tells her that even if SHE doesn’t think she needs closure that he DOES. She gives him a reassuring (platonic) kiss on the cheek and tries to convince him (and us) that this is the life she wants. Caroline Forbes is done with heartbreak.
Damon makes a deal with Alex – the Armory will stop hunting Bonnie if he can convince her to open the vault. Enzo rants and Damon puts him in his place by reminding him that he’s A – keeping her alive, and B – keeping her hate focused on Damon instead of Enzo, because you know Enzo wasn’t ready to give up on her either. Bonnie chants, the vault is opened, Alex goes inside, her sister Yvette is LONG dead (shocker), and something yanks up her teaammates into the air. It’s super creepy and awful. She runs out but can’t escape because BONNIE EFFING BENNETT has chant-sealed the Armory CLOSED.
Rayna, a shaman, and Damon (there’s a joke there somewhere) chant Rayna’s life into Bonnie as Rayna GLEEFULLY tells Damon to enjoy his new bestie – one who hates all vampires and will stop at nothing to kill them all. TWIST!
- What the hell is in that vault?? I sure hope our gang has kept one of Bonnie’s grimoires handy.
- The reveal that Matt was the one who (accidentally) killed Penny, because our show can’t get enough of crapping on Matt Donovan.
- The interactions between Caroline and Alaric have ZERO chemistry. I don’t know why they think they have to parent these girls as a couple.
Vamp of the Week: Stefan Salvatore

Stefan tried SO hard to protect Matt from himself. These scenes were pretty tough to watch! Matt still blames Stefan for her death though, because grief will have you blaming anyone and anything just to feel a bit more sane.
Hero Hair/Nefarious Grin

Damon’s hair was lustrously heroic this week as he tried to save Bonnie from dying…again. He was even willing to take the brunt of her anger so that her feelings for Enzo could remain uncomplicated and full of LURVE.

Trusting Rayna was so unbelieveably naive, and yet here we are. I begrudgingly give a nod of respect in her general direction because her plan was KINDA tight.
Sound Bites
What are we supposed to tell the teacher? ‘Sorry Miss Patty. We missed rehearsal because we were off slaughtering vampires!’ – Caroline
Damon, you’re the authority on being hated. You tell me how to deal with this situation. – Stefan
I love you, and I want to marry you and be your loving, honest, committed partner. And I want our little family to work. But I don’t want it if you’d rather be with someone else. – Alaric [to Caroline]
Burning Questions
- What’s going to happen to the poor bastards trapped in the Armory?
- How is Bonnie going to get herself un-Rayna’d??
- How long before Alaric takes his daughters away from all of this nonsense and heads off to some archaeological dig?
So sorry this recap is late – I was busy in Santa Monica frolicking with authors and the rest of FYA Oakland! So what are your predictions for our final episodes, and is the Thing in the Vault going to be the Big Bad of Season 8? Come dish with me in the comments!
About the Contributor:
Amanda Reid is an East Coast girl living in California who will never stop missing a true autumn. She’s a bookseller who specializes in kid and teen lit, and she bakes a damn fine pie.