Hopefully I’m not the first person to ask you this BUT… are you watching Yellowjackets? Because I can’t. stop. talking. about it, and I need to widen the circle of people I can discuss it with otherwise my husband might divorce me. I am an addict, is what I’m saying, and that’s why I’m gonna try to get you hooked as well. (And if you’re already watching, pleeeeease join me in the comments so I can keep talking about it.)
First, here’s the trailer, because I don’t have time to write out the synopsis, I have to focus on selling this shizz!
Damn, that trailer is INTENSE! Maybe that’s all it took, and now you can stop reading this and immediately start binging the show!
JK, I still want to rave about it (did you not read the beginning of this post?) so here are the reasons why Yellowjackets has got me buzzin’. I’m not even sorry I made that joke, THAT’S what a fool I am for this series.
The Cast
The series jumps back and forth between 1996, when the main characters are in high school, and present day, when they’re middle aged women, and all I can say is, the casting director is a wizard. Not only do the younger actors resemble their older counterparts, they’ve got the talent necessary to share the screen with an incredible roster of women: Juliette Lewis, Christina Ricci, Melanie Lynskey, and Tawny Cypress. It is SO exciting to see Juliette and Christina, two of my ’90s faves, back in the spotlight, and these roles are most deserving of their skills. While I haven’t watched much of Tawny’s work before, I find her to be super compelling, and then there’s Melanie, whom I have adored since Sweet Home Alabama (Also, if you haven’t experienced I Don’t Feel at Home in This World Anymore., check it out stat. Like, after you watch Yellowjackets though). It is spine-tingling to watch these actors together—from the subtle shifts in posture that emote so much to the careening anxiety that steals across their faces. And, like I said, the younger cast is brilliant, especially in the way they feel like teenagers even as the weight of survival crushes them. Special shout-out to Sarah Desjardins, who plays Shauna’s daughter and was in the criminally underrated show, Impulse.
Christina Ricci

Sure, I already mentioned Christina Ricci, but it’s hilarious if you think I’m not gonna devote a whole separate section just to her because WOW. Girl, where have you been?! Okay, looking at your IMDB page, clearly I have been the one missing out so apologies, I have some catch-up to do, but regardless, I am so happy to see you!! And in the role of Misty, whom you have made BEYOND. I can’t think of another character who can equal the sublime mix of terror and adoration that you inspire in me. Like, I love Misty, but I’m also very very scared of her, and if you don’t win an Emmy* for this, I will follow your example and go coo coo bananas on those voters.
*Whoever made your wig should also win an award. It is perfection.
Absolutely Bonkers Shit
From the get-go, this show is NOT messing around. I will forgo details because no spoilers, but y’all there’s a lot of creepy, effed-up business going on! And most of the time I have no idea what it means! Or why! But I don’t care! Because it’s so awesomely weird! Which leads me to…
The Endless Opportunities for Wild Speculation
I never watched Lost*, but I imagine this is what fans felt like (at least in the early days) because there are so many mysteries to unravel, and it’s a total blast to try to figure out what the hell is happening (or happened, back in 1996). It’s not just a question of who survived (although that is THE question), it’s layers on layers of secrets and symbols and hidden agendas, and don’t even get me started on the potentially supernatural aspects. While I’m not nearly as good at picking up clues as the internet, I am constantly shouting out theories to the TV, which Henri (my husband) really appreciates, let me tell you.
*Not to compare them, because Yellowjackets is way better. Obviously it doesn’t take having seen Lost to know that.
The ’90s

Having graduated from high school in 1997, I am l-o-v-i-n-g the fashion and cultural references in the teenage segments of the show. The wardrobe, though limited by the, um, whole plane crash thing, is spot-on without being exaggerated, and the overall time period vibe is pitch perfect.
The Soundtrack
Yeah, I could have filed this under the previous section, but when it comes to Yellowjackets, there are no rules, y’all! The song list is PACKED with jams, from top 40 songs like “Today,” “Firestarter,” and “Dreams” to more indie tracks from bands like Throwing Muses and Portishead. As someone who played Liz Phair’s “Supernova” on repeat via a mix tape I recorded from the radio, I immediately bonded with Shauna as she listened to it in her car.
Girls Girls Girls
This is obvious, but it’s still worth noting: Yellowjackets is a massively female-driven show. While there are a few male main characters, they are far outnumbered by the females, so suffice it to say, this series aces the Bechdel test. That might have juuust a little bit to do with the fact that this show was co-created by a women, and that many episodes were written and directed by women. (Karyn Kusama what’s up!) Not to get too Katnissy here, but it’s rad to watch these teen girls band together and toughen up in the face of disaster, though they might end up getting a little too tough, if that trailer gives you any indication.
So, have I convinced you? Will you join me in this rabbit hole of crazy theories and increasing dread? (And if you’re already down here with me, LET’S TALK in the comments.)
I went into this show almost completely blind. I’d seen people talk about how good it was on Twitter and Kandis had mentioned that it had a “stranded on a desert island” situation happening and that’s pretty much all I knew when we started it. Obviously, the first MINUTE of the show had me like “WHAT IS HAPPENING” and I’ve been hooked ever since.
I was a huge, obsessive LOST fan, and holy hell this show is like LOST meets Pretty Little Liars. This is content tailor made for me.
Okay SPOILERSSSSSSS: I go through theories, like, daily. Currently, I’m thinking about how there are 12 people stranded. And we KNOW 5 of them were rescued. Which leaves 7 people – and that’s how many people were sitting around the fire all antlered up in the pilot. I’m also wondering if they don’t split up at some point. Like maybe some of the group was like “we gotta eat each other” and the rest were like “yeah have fun with that, peace out” and the cannibal group started hunting the non-cannibal group. I know there was a shot of Misty taking her little face covering thing off and she seemed REALLY excited. That made me wonder if she wasn’t a part of the cannibal group, but bonked one of them on the head then took their outfit and infiltrated the group. Which definitely sounds like something Misty would do.
Guys I think this show makes me sound insane.
“Guys I think this show makes me sound insane.” LOL I KNOW RIGHT?
Did you read that Vulture theory thread? I completely buy the theory that Adam is Javi EXCEPT for the fact that Shauna doesn’t recognize him? How would that be possible?!
I dig your focus on the numbers, i.e. 12-5, etc. Though how would there be an adult Jackie since we know she died? Or do you think she faked her death or something? (And then there’s the whole English Patient thing, see: that Vulture thread.)
I would LOVE it if Misty was a double agent. Girl was born for subterfuge.
Listen I did not say my theories were good or even possible Sarah 😂
I def think Lottie is the antler queen, after she grabbed the lantern, turned around, and was literally framed by the antlers of the deer mounted on the wall behind her.
Javi was a kid when they crashed, so if Shauna thinks he died, maybe it’s possible she wouldn’t recognize him? Or maybe he got mauled be a bear and had to have facial reconstructive surgery lol
I don’t think Jackie is dead. I need to go back and rewatch the first episode but I thought the girl in the beginning was that one JV player (Mary?). The time traveler theory is wild, but I’m not sure it wasn’t just a mistake. If the movie she listed had come out in, like, 1998 I might read into it. But the English Patient would’ve come out just a few months too late.
I also feel like they’re going to surprise us with more grown up Yellowjackets soon, and I hope they choose more iconic 90s actresses. There’s some speculation on Twitter that Menu Suvari or Robin Tunney would be good for Jackie. She’s a little old but I think Rebecca Gayheart looks just like Jackie.
I wouldn’t put it past Misty to be behind EVERYTHING. The murder from the beginning seems like an obvious red herring. I think Jackie makes it home with them but then dies later. Adam being Javi is the only thing that makes sense to me, but Shauna not realizing it doesn’t work unless she thought he died in the woods. Those girls are hanging on by a thread, so I’m a little scared of how they maanage it another 18 months out there. @Rosemary, I love the idea of other 90’s actresses joining the cast! I could have sworn there was a moment when Shauna and Natalie were talking about the blackmailer, and one of them said “then it has to be one of the others.” I think more than just them survived. Why do we think they pretend to not have spoken to each other in all this time?
It makes sense to me, if there are other survivors (which I’m sure there are), that they wouldn’t be on speaking terms. I mean, they ATE each other, you know?
I dig the theory that Jackie made it home and just died later. That is veeerrrry interesting.
Okay, yes, you convinced me, this sounds super good. (I hadn’t watched the trailer until now but totes would watch based on that alone.) I’m getting LOST (which I did really like lol) meets Libba Bray’s BEAUTY QUEENS meets Kim Liggett’s THE GRACE YEAR vibes.
Yay!! My work here is DONE.