Previously: Henry the Hallucination is still taunting Damon, leading him to accidentally burn Elena’s body in her coffin, a Huntress has marked all of the Heretics as kills, Matt gets arrested by Officer Penny, and did I mention that DAMON BURNT ELENA’S BODY TO ASH?
What Went Down
Damon is spiraling, and when Damon spirals, people die. Sorry, unsuspecting good Samaritan! Only violence satiates Damon Salvatore’s grief and/or guilt. He finds Julian living a life that Marlon Brando’s character in The Wild Ones would be proud of, and is invited along to the gladiator show Julian’s put on for all of his bros. It’s a fight to the death, obvs, and Damon gladly rips out a heart or two before almost getting pummeled into oblivion by a giant named Samson. Stefan is tipped off by Valerie, who saw Damon at the Grille with Julian, and they track him down to (once again) save him from himself.
Before saving Damon, Stefan had his hands full with Caroline at the hospital. Turns out her unborn twins are siphoners, just like the Heretics, and they are sucking the magic from her very marrow. Her body starts to dessicate. Valerie is able to make a totem imbued with magic that should satisfy the hungry little buggers, and keep Caroline alive! Until it doesn’t..!
Bonnie and Nora want to find Rayna Cruz (The Huntress), and Mary Louise joins in since she’s been marked as well. They do a locator spell and find her in a hospital in Ohio, except she’s an old lady strapped down to her bed and seems pretty harmless. She tricks Bonnie into helping her, and Bonnie can’t defend herself as Rayna is immune to magic. WHAT! Bonnie is saved by ENZO, who knocks Rayna out with an injection to the neck. He takes her body to be cremated, except that she doesn’t die, she gets YOUNGER, and she’s ALIVE.
Officer Matt is released by Officer Penny, who follows him to a house in Mystic Falls (there’s a dead body and a vampire, of course) and he finally has to tell her the supernatural lowdown of living in that town. Penny thinks Matt is super brave and we may FINALLY have found a woman who can appreciate Matt Donovan.
After Stefan and Valerie save Damon, he breaks down and tells his brother that he set Elena’s body on fire. He doesn’t give him any context either, presumably because he wants Stefan to punch him in the face, which he DOES, and now Stefan realizes that the root of all of their familial pain is Julian. Valerie does a cloaking spell so that Julian’s cronies can’t witness Stefan STAKING HIM THROUGH THE CHEST. YES!
Flash forward: Matt sells out Stefan to Rayna, and Caroline is presumed safe. What I want to know is…how come Rayna looks SO MUCH like Elena??
- Mary Louise being jealous of Nora’s friendship (and snack-sharing) with Bonnie. Hehe.
- ENZO turning up out of nowhere to help Bonnie; so was he also hunting Rayna? How did he escape from Matt’s cronies?
- I think this episode may have set the record for hearts ripped out. Yikes.
- Valerie’s totem has stopped working…!
- JULIAN IS DEAD. Hopefully forever.
Vamp of the Week: Valerie Tulle

Valerie, you have grown on me. At first I thought you were just an annoying plot device meant to keep Caroline and Stefan apart, but this week you were really there for everyone, including the new love of Stefan’s life. Bravo, sister. Bravo.
Hero Hair/Nefarious Grin

Hero Hair: Enzo is going to need to start his own line of Hair Care for Heroes after his heroic feats this week! I HAVE MISSED YOU SO, SWEET ENZO. And Bonnie did too, even if she’s not ready to admit that to herself yet.

Nefarious Grin: Julian is just so repugnant. He’s a bully and a louse. A LOUSE I SAY.
Sound Bites
Damon: You made a wrong turn, brother. This isn’t some hell survivor support group. But Damon, you need ALL of the therapy, honey-pie.
Enzo: You missed me! That warms my heart!
Bonnie: I didn’t miss you. I’m curious as to your recent whereabouts. There’s a difference. (You SO missed him, Bon-Bon!)
Caroline: You know, we’re not meant to like each other, you and I, so thank you. Caroline Forbes: The Best, Always.
Mary Louise: Since when do you eat disgusting garbage food?
Nora: Since I stopped caring about getting that exact reaction. Of course Mary Louise is a food-shamer. Ugh.
Bonnie: I’m not letting you kill an old woman whose cold-blooded, ruthless mission is to eat a gingersnap.
Burning Questions
- Is Elena REALLY gone? Or can she be brought back magically? And if she IS really gone forever, how are our friends going to feel about Damon now?
- Is Damon going to end up leaving Mystic Falls, living his days as the World’s Hottest Recluse?
- Does Mary Louise deserve a second chance with Nora? (Nope.)
- What is up with this Rayna/wannabe Buffy chick? What’s her backstory?
- Will Matt Donovan FINALLY get some?
SO MUCH happened this week! What did y’all think? Come convo with me in the comments!
About the Contributor:
Amanda Reid is an East Coast girl living in California who will never stop missing a true autumn. She’s a bookseller who specializes in kid and teen lit, and she bakes a damn fine pie.