Previously: Surrogate Caroline is being slowly killed by her siphoning in utero twins, Damon is spiraling because he thinks he killed Elena, Stefan is SUPER cheesed that Damon killed Elena, Enzo’s hair is amazing, and Valerie is being kind of the best. Oh, and there’s a Huntress hell bent on killing all of the Heretics, and she kinda looks like Elena…? Weird.
What Went Down
WELL DAMN! I am not yet recovered, fellow fans! Let me get a drink before I delve in.
*blender noises from the kitchen*
Ok, let’s do this! Damon drinks all the bourbon ever but kicks out his sidepiece before Bonnie can catch him. She waxes crazy with exposition about what happened in that hospital in Ohio with Nora and Mary Louise, and Damon’s eyebrows are all like, “Whaaa?” Enzo calls Damon because Bonnie is ignoring him (hehe) and Enzo informs Damon that if they don’t get him Rayna’s sword he’s going to tell Bonnie that Damon killed Elena. Damon Salvatore cares what VERY few people think of him, but Bon-Bon is at the top of that list, so off they go to bring Enzo the sword.
Except it’s a trap! Because of course it is, because Rayna has Buffy-like strength and busted out of her glass cage. She’s got Enzo tied up (purrrrrrr) with vervane-laced ropes and turns her crossbow on Damon and Bonnie. She wants her sword so she can finish the unfinished business she has with The Heretics; her sword can find someone once it’s stabbed them. Beau is in danger (I lay all of this at Julian’s feet) since Rayna stabbed him through the throat in 1903, and the Heretics (who were helping Caroline survive her magical C-section) have to leave the hospital to get away from Rayna. Nora and Mary Louise leave with Beau, who is killed by Rayna, and Valerie stays to help Caroline and also, I think, get some a bit of closure for her baby that was taken by Julian’s violence.
Stefan is right by Caroline’s side as she’s under anesthesia and he enters her mind to keep her company while she’s afraid. This scene was so sweet and just so “Stefan” that it makes the ending that much more bitter to swallow.
Damon corners Rayna in the hospital (because he’s a fearless BEAST) and Stefan puts his anger aside long enough to help his brother. Except he gets stabbed by Rayna and has to leave town (and Caroline’s side) because he’s been marked by her sword. I REALLY hope he’s on his way to New Orleans. Damon calls and informs him that Elena isn’t dead! Enzo knew all along it was an empty coffin and that Damon was just hallucinating, and he finally told Damon the truth.
Caroline’s C-section is a success and Ric gets there in time to see his daughters be born. He names them Josie and Elizabeth after Jo and Liz Forbes. Oh my heart..! Flash forward three years later and Caroline is in the car with her girls. She’s on the phone with Ric and tells her girls that they’re going to NEW ORLEANS. Steroline and Klaroline both hold places in my heart and I am TORN.
- Rayna has multiple lives!
- Elena is still alive! (Yay…?)
- That fight sequence between Damon and Rayna was NO JOKE. I winced when I heard her break his leg!
- Julian made Rayna kill her own father so that he wouldn’t fall victim to The Hunter’s Curse. Julian is just odious.
Vamp of the Week: Beau

Y’all, Beau doesn’t even have a surname listed on IMDB. This picture of him sipping tea is a perfect representation of how I feel about this character’s lack of development and/or purpose on our show. And he had such potential! Finding out this week that his voicebox never healed because of Rayna’s Magical Hunter Sword was like WHOA, but now he’s DEAD and I’m just super irritated. All I can do is make you Vamp of the Week, sir. You deserved so much more.
Hero Hair/Nefarious Grin

Hero Hair: There was so much heroic hair going on this week that I was WIGGLING with nerves because I had no idea who I was going to pick! Aaaaand then Ric named one of his daughters after Caroline’s mom and I may possibly still be crying.

Nefarious Grin: Rayna, I don’t hate you. In fact, you are a hell of a compelling villain with rich backstory tied into The Hunters’ mythology, and even if the show did make a questionable choice with using Indians as a magical plot device, I love that you’re basically a cat with nine lives. But now you’re after Stefan, and you’re tearing him apart from Caroline right after she had a very traumatizing C-section. My girl is full of hormones and breast milk and you’re trying to kill her man! I have a feeling we’re going to see you tangle with some Originals so you best bring your A-game!
Sound Bites
Damon: Go ahead. Let it all out, Bonnie. I’m a vile cheater. I couldn’t even wait a year.
Bonnie: Are you kidding me? The last thing anyone wants to deal with for the next six decades is a cranky, bitter, sexless Damon Salvatore, okay? I volunteer as tribute!
Bonnie: What’d you do? Couldn’t be worse than whatever was wearing that jean skirt. Krystal-with-a-K should thank Damon for making her scooch before Bonnie got there. LOL.
Stefan: This is the only way I could stop her.
Caroline: I know. I just wish it didn’t always have to be you. DAMMIT, SHOW! *fights the air*
Burning Questions
- Where are Nora and Mary Louise?
- Is Damon going to follow Rayna who’s following Stefan to New Orleans? PARTY WITH KLAUS!
- Is Rayna looking like Elena a casting coincidence OR does it hold some significance in the show’s mythology?
- Where are Officers Matt Donovan and Penny? Canoodling, perhaps? (God I hope so.)
About the Contributor:
Amanda Reid is an East Coast girl living in California who will never stop missing a true autumn. She’s a bookseller who specializes in kid and teen lit, and she bakes a damn fine pie.