Hey y’all, I got back from our book club trip to Nashville on Sunday and felt like… can we just holiday it up until the new year? The answer, unfortunately, is no, so I now turn to the internet to distract myself. Jingle all the way down the rabbit hole, ho ho HO!


Dive into our favorite reads of 2022! (And then take our poll to see if you agree.)

Stephanie tried and failed to get into the holiday spirit with Falling for Christmas.

In book reports:

Book-Related Things

An excerpt from the new book Bring It On: The Complete Story of the Cheerleading Movie That Changed, Like, Everything (No, Seriously).

Get a sneak peek of the first three chapters of Hell Bent, Leigh Bardugo’s sequel to Ninth House. (Related: have you seen our new Leigh Bardugo merch?!!)

Tor’s best books of 2022.

Very interesting discussion about the cartoon/vector covers cluttering our shelves:

Onscreen Things

Get ready for the next ticketing internet meltdown: Taylor Swift has written an original feature script and signed a deal with Searchlight Pictures to direct.

We are ALL IN on this Last of Us trailer:

Riley Keough, Sam Claflin, and more discuss the Daisy Jones & the Six new miniseries.

I will GLADLY vote for the Election sequel!

Finally, a trailer for the new Indiana Jones movie!!

As an Aries, I can only consider this a birthday present (related: our Yellowjackets coverage thus far, including 20 YA books to read if you love the show):

Nancy, why so grinch-y?!!:

Social Media Things

You know if Dolly was in charge, Christmas would be 100% more amazing:

Not gonna name names but… yeah:

Happy Holidays, Trekkies!


POV: you’re the person editing TV and movies:

Miscellaneous Things

File this under F for Feel Good (and then dive into this, did someone say Pride & Prejudice?!):

RIP Kirstie Alley.

What’d we miss? Add your fave distractions of the week in the comments.

Sarah lives in Austin, and believes there is no such thing as a guilty pleasure, which is part of why she started FYA in 2009. Growing up, she thought she was a Mary Anne, but she's finally starting to accept the fact that she's actually a Kristy.