Elena arrives at school and everybody’s all “Yay! Prom! Valedictorian! Graduation!” And we are supposed to wonder why this doesn’t make her want her humanity back? I’m with you, Elena. Also, Damon has her locked up in a safe and is giving her dreams. It’s not working.

Caroline visits the Salvatores, and is not so into the whole “torture the humanity back into Elena” thing. She wants to talk to her, and give her a blood cupcake. Elena wants Caroline to move on, and hits below the belt by bringing up Caroline’s faults and suggesting that Tyler left not because Klaus threatened him, but because he’s not that into her. Then she attacks her, but Caroline, not being half-starved, breaks her neck. (Oh Shit! +1) And tells Stefan to go ahead and do whatever.
Matt says hi to Rebekah at the Bronze, who’s there celebrating her brothers’ new show by drinking a bunch. Then she complains about everyone, and Matt, being awesome *Drink!* fulfilling his role as President of The Handsome Club, puts things in perspective for her nicely. He also suggests she go join her brothers’ show.
Caroline calls Bonnie to check in and make sure Silas wasn’t controlling her mind anymore, but Bonnie has to get off the phone, because her date, Katherine, has shown up.
The Salvatore brothers set Elena in front of a window, but she thinks they’re only bluffing. No way would they actually let the sun burn her up a little! Oh, but she’s wrong. And they do. And she actually catches on fire! (Oh Shit! +2) And Damon puts her out with a fire extinguisher! But she doesn’t give them the response they were hoping for. No, she tells them she’s going to kill them, and then is mean to Stefan. Damon pretends this is all going according to plan, but I’m not so sure. Then they burn her up some more. For the love of God, Elena, turn your humanity back on! I might have to turn my humanity off if it goes on much longer, because it has gotten SO. OLD.

Outside, Caroline and Matt are pacing the porch, talking caps and gowns to get their minds off the torture. Then Rebekah shows up with food for Matt and an offer to help him study! Turns out our President has fallen behind in his subjects, since, oh, NOBODY ever goes to school on this show. Caroline LOVES this idea, because, flashcards! She goes out to her car, but is sidetracked by Klaus! Back from his new show! Or is it?
Bonnie tells Katherine that she wants Silas’s tombstone, and that she’s been lying low ever since she promised Silas she’d lower the veil in a couple of days. It would appear Bonnie has some sort of ultimate plan to kill him.
Elena gets free for a second and runs to the window, tearing open the drapes and setting herself completely on fire! (Oh Shit! +3) This is all to make Damon and Stefan realize that their plan is never going to work, because she knows they’ll never REALLY hurt her. They’ll only hurt her a little bit. I have to have a chuckle that I’m even writing this. But you know who will hurt her? I’ll give you a hint, her name starts with a “K” and ends with an “atherine.”
Flashcards long forgotten, Caroline strolls through the woods with Klaus. He wants her to come with him, which makes me think it’s not really Klaus, because he grew some in that last episode, and knows he has some growing to do before he can be with her. And it ISN’T Klaus! It’s Silas! And he stakes her in the heart! But it’s probably only in her head, since he wants her to find Bonnie for him. (Oh Shit! +4)

Rebekah offers to compel Matt some good grades and a scholarship to buy his devotion help him. She does state the obvious (but never mentioned enough) truth that Matt is awesome. Then Katherine shows up to torture Elena, which does not sit well with Matt.
Caroline wakes up unstaked but freaked the eff out. Then she runs into Matt! But it isn’t Matt! It’s Silas again! (Oh Shit! +5) And then he’s Klaus again! (Oh Shit! +6) And he threatens her mom! And then there’s some product placement for the backup camera in her new Ford! (Oh Shit! +7) And she sees Silas in it! Then he pounds on her driver’s side door! As… I don’t know what he’s supposed to be this time? Himself? But if she sees his true face, he won’t be able to trick her anymore, yes? She drives away, rushing to meet her mom at home. I need a drink.
Elena and Katherine argue a bunch, and Katherine reaches into Elena’s chest and feels around for her heart, (Oh Shit! +8) and Elena tries to tease Katherine about YHH dumping her. *Drink!* So Katherine locks her in the safe, telling her that she’d never make it without her entourage. This gives her an idea, so she unlocks the safe and walks away. (Oh Shit! +9)
People sure are drinking a lot of Scotch in this episode. Alaric (RIP) would be proud. *Drink!* Everyone realizes that Elena has escaped, so Damon grabs Matt so he can serve as bait and a snack. (Oh Shit! +10)
Caroline comes home, and her mom is already there! But is it really her mom? Caroline is so freaked out! How can she tell? Oh! By calling her mom’s cell phone! Because Silas would never think of stealing her cell or anything. Satisfied, they hug.
Elena is walking through the woods, when she sees a truck rambling toward her. She falls down, and is all “Save me! Save me!” But I have a feeling… yep. It’s Matt. He tells her how much he loves her, but she’s really hungry. So she eats him a little. (Oh Shit! +11)
There’s a knock on Caroline’s door, and it’s Bonnie! Or is it? Caroline can’t tell! Possibly Bonnie is acting suspicious, but when Mommy Sheriff comes in, she freaks out! It IS Bonnie, but that is not Caroline’s mother! Caroline’s mother is mostly dead in the living room! (Oh Shit! +12) Silas tells Bonnie that she better not hide from him anymore, and she’s all, “Oh, I’ve just been having some down time, you know, all this drama’s got me exhausted!” You and me both, Bonnie. You and me both.

Matt’s down an artery, but Elena is still hungry! He asks her to stop, but he’s just so tasty! Damon and Stefan show up and pull her off of him, and Damon tells her that while he might not be able to seriously hurt her, he has no such issues with seriously hurting Matt, and while a lot of his behavior would lead me to believe him here, I think he’s bluffing. So does Elena. So he snaps Matt’s neck! (Oh Shit! +13) All I can say is, Matt had better have been wearing Jeremy’s ring of invincibility, because not only can Matt NOT DIE, but the Handsome Club really couldn’t withstand losing another president so soon. Anyway, it totally works! Elena turns her humanity back on! And then Damon shows us that Matt WAS wearing Jeremy’s ring of invincibility! But now Elena is back to feeling ALL of the feelings! George: Nina Dobrev is so Emmy baiting. All of the ranges of human emotion in one episode. And it’s true. She’s really amazing. Stefan tells her to focus on just one feeling, which seems to work.
Caroline’s mom is dead enough that she can’t drink Caroline’s blood, so Caroline gets some with a syringe, and pumps it in her heart, and makes a bunch of promises, and I really hope Mommy Sheriff isn’t dead. She’s the only parent left in Mystic Falls. She isn’t! She isn’t dead!
Matt wakes up with a wicked stiff neck, and Rebekah gives him some Scotch. Then she tells him how sorry she is for her part in this whole thing, which was what again? Oh yeah! Running him and Elena off that bridge! She’s the reason Elena’s a vampire! I had forgotten. Anyway, she wants to make amends, and she’ll do whatever it takes, even studying until graduation. George: Just until graduation? You kind of did a lot of stuff. Also exams are way before the actual graduation, but whatevs.
Katherine figures out that Bonnie can use the tombstone to lower the veil before the full moon, and she’s right, but Bonnie won’t tell her why she wants to drop the veil early. Instead, Bonnie tells her that she’ll get the spell from her ancestor that made Silas impervious, and give it to Katherine, so she never has to be afraid of nothin’ ever again.
Turns out the one thing Elena focused on that calmed her down was her hatred for Katherine. The way she figures it, Katherine’s pretty much responsible for all of the bad stuff that’s ever happened to any of them, so even though there’s the whole world-changing veil-dropping thing and Silas on the loose, Elena’s got one priority: kill Katherine. (Oh Shit! +14)
Okay. Well, thank god. I don’t know how much more I could have taken. This episode had a lot of great moments, but I felt like it was setting things up for the big showdown. So, what did YOU think? Any questions? Theories?