Previously: Damon found the Prodigal’s Heretic, Oscar, but Valerie kills him to keep Julian’s location a secret, Caroline’s skin has been spelled to be vervane, Lily has Elena’s body hidden, and Alaric is still riding that crazy train to Necromancy-Ville.
What Went Down
Damon discovers Oscar’s lifeless body and re-purposes it as a rather convincing Halloween decoration in order to hide his death from the rest of the Heretics. Nora and Mary Louise are onto Damon, so they make him a deal: one Whitmore student dies every hour that Oscar isn’t returned. Damon enlists Stefan and Caroline to help keep Nora and Mary Louise distracted, which gives us our first big hootenanny of the season: the Heaven and Hell Ball. (I can’t stress to y’all enough how much I hate the sexy angel/sexy devil costumes. THEY ARE SO ORIGINAL.) Nora wants to embrace the modern world (and get her flirt on) without Mary Louise being a total drag, and Mary Louise begins to panic that she’s losing Nora. Stefan offers some advice while also manipulating them to release Caroline from Valerie’s vervane-skin spell. Ah, amour!
Enzo is hot on Valerie’s trail of lies and offers to become her cohort-in-arms in keeping Julian away from Lily. Enzo’s mommy-girlfriend issues are something to behold, I swear.
In other news: Oscar lives! Thanks to Bonnie and the Phoenix Stone, obvs. Oscar’s not quite himself; his memory is incredibly fuzzy, and his bloodlust can’t be sated with the blood bags Damon gives him on their drive back to Mystic Falls. Oscar throws himself out of Damon’s moving car (YIKES) and proceeds to make a veritable buffet out of a minibus full of supernatural tourists. I feel completely vindicated in my refusal to partake in excursions such as these, ie outings that would make me literally wee myself. Damon snaps Oscar’s neck in front of Lily, pretty much saving her, and Lily reveals Elena’s location with a side of motherly advice for Damon.
Damon begins journaling (LOLZ) to Elena, explaining why he’s asked Tyler (ugh) to move her body; he needs to find out who he is away from her, and has been using her sleeping form as a security blanket. Personal growth! Oprah would be so proud of you, Damon.
- Jo is BACK. She can read everyone’s diaries to Elena to get caught up, I guess?
- THAT FLASH FORWARD. I don’t want to imagine a world where Damon and Alaric aren’t BFFs!
- Caroline and Stefan can finally touch! CUE THE D’ANGELO.
Vamp of the Week

For always being eight steps ahead, and for always living in those tricky grey areas, Enzo is our Vamp of the Week.
Hero Hair/Nefarious Grin

Hero Hair: I hereby recognize Stefan Salvatore’s laser-like focus on breaking the spell that’s keeping him from embracing his lady as most heroic of hair this week.

Nefarious Grin: OSCAR! I am so glad to see that you haven’t left us for good, but that ripper rampage of yours hasn’t sat well with the judging panel this week. Get yourself a sponsor and get your shit together, dude. (cc: Caroline Forbes)
Sound Bites
“Bonnie, you are officially the most terrifying person I know.” – coming from Damon Salvatore that’s pretty impressive.
“These people didn’t deserve to be killed by one of your free range children. Stefan’s up to his hero hair in Heretic drama and I’m worried that Matt Donovan’s funeral is going to cut into my social schedule.” – what Damon is saying, Lily, is that your kids do not play well with others and you may want to get Supernanny on the line.
“Who is Damon Salvatore without Elena Gilbert?…you’re still with me and my heart is right there in that coffin with you…Maybe with a little luck, I’ll do right by you.” – Damon might be better at journaling than Stefan. (Don’t tell Stefan.)
Burning Questions
- I guess Alaric has fraternal twin girls? But no evidence of Jo, so is she gone? Are they her daughters? I HAS QUESTIONS.
- Why is Tyler the go-to guy for body removals?
- Why does Matt Donovan RELENTLESSLY put his HUMAN self in the line of fire?
So what did you all think of last night’s episode? Are you SO happy that Elena’s Sleeping Body can finally be moved elsewhere? What lies ahead for poor, blood-gorged Oscar? How many Steroline shippers were ON FIRE last night? WOOT!
About the Contributor:
Amanda Reid is an East Coast girl living in California who will never stop missing a true autumn. She’s a bookseller who specializes in kid and teen lit, and she bakes a damn fine pie.