Dan Scott Award
Award for being an all-around awful parent.
(S)KinThe Absolute Value of -1
The Abyss Surrounds Us (The Abyss Surrounds Us #1) The Edge of the Abyss (The Abyss Surrounds Us #2)
Across the Wall: A Tale of the Abhorsen and Other Stories (Abhorsen #3.5)
A Mad Wicked Folly
A Madness So Discreet
After Life
All Kinds of Other
All That Consumes Us
As She Ascends (Fallen Isles #2)
Aurora’s End (The Aurora Cycle #3)
Before She Ignites (Fallen Isles #1)
Before We Disappear
Beyond the End of the World (The Other Side of the Sky #2)
Cruel Summer (Season #2)
Crush (Crave #2)
Danger Dog
Dear Rachel Maddow
Demon in the Wood (Grishaverse #0)
A Heart So Fierce and Broken (Cursebreakers #2)
Eleanor & Park
The Evaporation of Sofi Snow (The Evaporation of Sofi Snow #1)
Every Time You Go Away
Everyone Wants To Know
Everything I Never Told You
The Fire Artist
Flowers in the Attic (2014)
Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock
The Gatekeepers
Geekerella (Once Upon a Con #1)
Gentlest of Wild Things
The Girls I’ve Been
Gwen & Art Are Not in Love
The Hearts We Sold
Heiress Takes All
How Moon Fuentez Fell in Love with the Universe
How to Keep a Boy from Kissing You
I Am Still Alive
Icon and Inferno (Stars and Smoke #2)
If I’m Being Honest
In Nightfall
In Other Lands
Incredible Doom: Vol. 1
The Initial Insult (The Initial Insult #1)
The Inside of Out
Into The Bright Open: A Secret Garden Remix
Lakesedge (World at the Lake’s Edge #1)
The Last Laugh (The Initial Insult #2)
Letters to the Lost (Letters to the Lost #1)
The Life and (Medieval) Times of Kit Sweetly
Light Years (Light Years #1)
Loki: Where Mischief Lies
Loose Girl: A Memoir of Promiscuity
The Lost Dreamer
Lost Stars (Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens)
Lucy Clark Will Not Apologize
The Lucy Variations
Magnolia (Magnolia Branch #1)
More Than We Can Tell (Letters to the Lost #2)
My Contrary Mary (Mary #1)
My Dear Henry
My Sister Lives on the Mantelpiece
Neanderthal Opens the Door to the Universe
No Limits
Not Even Bones (Market of Monsters #1)
Nothing Can Possibly Go Wrong
The Other Bennet Sister
The Other Merlin (Emry Merlin #1)
Painted Devils (Little Thieves #2)
Panic (Panic #1)
Poison Ivy: Thorns
The Possibility of Somewhere
The Price Guide to the Occult
The Princesses of Iowa
Queen of Hearts (Queen of Hearts Saga #1)
Reality Boy
The Right and the Real
Roses and Rot
The Serpent King
Seven Endless Forests
Shadow of the Batgirl
The Ship Beyond Time (The Girl from Everywhere #2)
Silver in the Blood
Six Angry Girls
The Someday Daughter
The Song of the Swan
The Speed of Falling Objects
Spells To Forget Us
Spinning Silver
Stars and Smoke (Stars and Smoke #1)
Stay With My Heart
Summer of My German Soldier (Summer of My German Soldier #1)
Sweet Nightmare
Their Fractured Light (Starbound #3)
They Hate Each Other
This Is Not the End
Through Fire and Sea (Otherselves #1)
A Study in Drowning
Tumble & Fall
Turtles All the Way Down
Under the Moon: A Catwoman Tale
Unholy Terrors
The Vanishing Deep
Warrior of the Wild
We Are Okay
What I Lost
Where the Stars Still Shine
Wicked Fox (Gumiho #1)
Wild Awake
Wild Swans
Winterkeep (Graceling Realm #4)
The Witch’s Hand (The Montague Twins #1)
Written in the Stars
You Don’t Have a Shot